Chapter 2 - Blake's Kingdom

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Blakes kingdom

Me, Jack and Jordan caught the train the next day, my head spun and I was worried in case Jack tried his little party trick on me. I'd asked Jordan to keep an eye on him and I knew after last time Blake would be on guard. I faked a smile when Jack hugged me, I'd never seen him so happy! Thing is I was thinking about Peter, my brother who had gone nameless in my thoughts for quite a while. He promised he'd write but never did, I wonder if he's dead, probably is. Or maybe he's living a perfectly normal life with the friends he's made, he'd be 16, he's probably forgot about me, if he did write I'm sure mom and dad would have told him I was missing. I wonder what he'd think about me, 13 but mature way beyond my years. I was selling drugs, taking them and I got drunk whenever I could. I was worse when I was 12, trying to over dose just from the fact I missed Peter. He'd hate me.

We walked into Blake's place, Jack's arm was round me awkwardly, I was tired and could feel Jordan's eyes on me. I wanted to die, right there. Yesterday morning, about this time Jack was screaming at me and throwing rocks, and now he just won't let go. Scott, the 21 year old typical young man of the lot, 2nd oldest below Blake, was sat there with Harry, the young 15 year old run away. Scott was a tall, quite muscley blond with almost perfect white teeth and shiny blue eyes. Harry was skinny and short with light brown hair, he had greeny hazel eyes and grinned happily when he saw me

'hey there baby girl!' Scott beamed and put his arms out, I pushed Jack off slightly and ran over to Scott

'hi Scott! Hiya Harry' I smiled at them both then hugged Scott, laying in his arms on the black leather sofa, I looked round, the walls were cream and made the place look bright, thing is, me, Jack, Matt and Ryan are fighting for our lives on the streets, these guys have all the cash, all the food and decent rooms, Harry, Scott, Blake, Jordan and Tony, I list the ones that actually like me, there are a few others but the listed are actually my best friends, there all dealers. Fair enough, they may be orphans and run aways but they have money, this place is their home and the place they work. These guys are like the government of poverty really. Blake gives us money other the winter months, in fact, that's mainly why we've come. We need money to survive.

Within minutes we were all crowded on one sofa, I was sat between Harry and Scott with Scott's arms wrapped round me tightly, Jordan seemed happy enough and Jack seemed a bit lost, he asked me out last night, well, a few hour ago and all I've done is try and avoid him and push him away, maybe I upset him a tad, I'll smooth things over when were alone. I looked over at him and made eye contact, I smiled a bit and he grinned, I laughed but my eyes soon left Jacks, Lucas entered the room. In twilight books, all the characters are gorgeous freaks of nature, Lucas was the gorgeous freak of nature, to me anyway, he had shortish blond hair that was slightly messy, he kept it so it always looked amazing, he had big, blue eyes and the most perfect features, I gawped in awe until Jack turning to see what I was looking at made me snap out of my day dream.

We spent hours talking that night, all of us, I watched Lucas while he ran his hand through his hair, he was constantly grinning, he represented the perfect stuck up rich boy, polo top with jeans and chains, he looked over at me 'Lorna, hey you wanna come out with me, it's my shift'

'yeah sure I will!' I said in an over enthusiastic tone, he just laughed and got our coats, we walked to our usual spot, laughed and joked.

'okay, what are you doing here, you're 18 and you have it all, why haven't you left and done something with your life' I smiled and looked up at him, he laughed and shrugged

'just seems too easy to run back to Texas, course, I wanna travel the world and get a job and a mansion, we all have a dream, you don't think Blake would love to take Jordan to some quiet little place in the suburbs and take him to a school that'll help him with his math so he can have a great life. You wanna see your brother, you know Blake would give you anything, we'd help you get back to your moms place. But you choose to stay, and it's for the same reason we all stay, we're family, we belong together and it'd kill us to leave'

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