Chapter 10 - Continued

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After telling Ryan all about my dream horse, I made myself scarce when Matt entered, knowing I was in the bad books with him and the others, I returned to what I assume would be my new room, after jack pushed me out of my old one so very rudely. I began making little jumps and obstacles for my plastic paint pony and it's little cowboy rider. I had a whole jumping course set up for it, it went over the jumps perfectly and extremely quickly. Dad didn't think I was responsible enough to look after a horse, he did however buy me an aquarium. I'd have loved a pony more though.

'urm, lorna, am I interrupting something?' oh, that was William, hello William, no, be harsh, it's not my fault jacks baby kept him awake all night, he's probably come to apologise, I can kind of tell he is

'yeah, you are, go away' I muttered, more from embarrassment but more from the fact William was too apologetic for me, he'd apologise seconds after saying anything bad. Well, he doesn't even say anything bad, but still. It wasn't my fault he shouted at me so I won't be so quick to forgive him.

'oh urm, okay then, I just came to say....'

'your sorry, I know, it's always the same, Peter, mom, dad, jack, you, you apologise because it was entirely your fault and when I don't accept that apology you cry, well I'm fed up of it, I don't really need your monotonous input!' I said snidely whilst playing with my plastic horse and arena.

'well, that and, I liked your little idea yesterday, bout us being together....and that I'm sorry, that baby was doing my tits in, you really don't wanna wind up a sleep deprived William'

'what's okay, babies change things, that's why I don't like them.'

'hah, see, knew you couldn't stay angry at me for long...and us, dating' he exclaimed happily, sitting behind me with his legs around mine and his arms wrapped tightly across my stomach, I laughed a bit at the fact I really couldn't keep angry at william for long 'or, if you wanted we could just be mates who kiss and stuff and say we're in a relationship and were a couple but it wouldn't effect anything because if we wanted to break up we would just accept it and become best mates' he tickled my nose and I moved my head back quickly, biting his finger playfully

'okay, let's do it....' I nodded, my head back so I could look at will

'great...' William leaned back so he was laid on the floor, dragging me with him 'you know....maybe you should talk to jack'

'no, no, no no no and no again...' I said clearly ending in a slight huff, playing with Williams hand

'c'mon, you have to, I won't take no for an answer, he's finding all of this very confusing and stressful, after all, this lass has just walked into his life with his baby and now he's responsible for both their lives, he's a bit vexed, it's not right for a 15 year old lorna, he doesn't need his best friend turning know what he's like....' William sighed, stroking my arm with his free hand, he was right and for the first time ever actually sounded deeply concerned for jacks well being. His words cut deep too, knowing what jack is actually like and what strains he'd put on himself.

I walked into my old room. Jack was on our old bed. With his new baby. They were both asleep so I decided not to bother jack by talking to him. The room were jack and I met, the room we shared, the room were we've had tears and tantrums, mostly from jack, felt different. It had changed. Because of that baby. I began packing up my things having migrated to a new room which will get full of memories, memory number one for instance, the room where William asked me out. The baby woke up and was soon screaming its head off, I tried shushing it and muttered at it under my breath 'you be quiet! Let my jack sleep!' I tried dragging the baby from jacks arms, tried, the baby nearly rolled over as I tried removing jacks arms from it, my efforts were in vain as jack woke up, he didn't seem happy either.

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