Chapter 6 - continued

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I was left alone in a corner, it gave me time to sort my emotions out. I fancied jack and he's my best friend, my life in a way. I fancied Jordan too, great, I hated being a teenage girl, Jordan was my partner in crime though, but I rarely see him and he's a bit immature for me. Then there's will, does it make me a slag because I fancy so many boys? I know at blakes place nearly all the girls there are called slags and I copy what they do sometimes, like the time with william. It was weird, he knew exactly what to do, he's experienced and I'm not. Me and jack are learning as we go along, he's had a bit more experience than me though. But with william, you can tell he's had a lot of girlfriends, I know what jacks like now, always wanting to have sex with me, what if that's all William wants. But, hes like a brother to me, he knows what's best for me and protects me. He tells me to stop acting like the older girls even though I know it's what he wants. Surely that means he likes me too? If William was my boyfriend he'd treat me better than jack does, well, jack treats me like I'm a princess but he tried raping me and he gets quite violent with me, he's not afraid to hit me and make me cry, William, he'd never make me cry purposefully. But Williams a lot older than me. I was confusing myself more and more, but all of my thoughts were stopped as I took the lid off the box that held Williams gift and revealed the most beautiful silver and black dress. An envelope fell from out of the dress as I lifted it up. Quickly, I grabbed the dress and the envelope, hurrying to the nearest empty room. I sat down and opened the cream envelope. I gasped in shock as I pulled out the plane ticket to London, heathrow airport.

'I hope you don't kick up a fuss with this gift....what you doing anyway you little runaway' William seemed cool and happy, he was chilled but he absolutely terrified me. I spun round and looked at him with big eyes, I sighed and looked down

'thanks...I..I won't be allowed....' I said sheepishly, now staring at the ticket

'you will, I checked your bag and your passports fine, everythings fine, it'll be great! England's brill, your gunna love it!'

' jack won't let me! He's never going to allow me to go to England with you!'

'lorna, would your parents have allowed you to move in with homeless kids, or run away or go to England with me'


'but you ran away, your living life as you want it, don't let jack ruin your life...' he smiled and lifted my head so I could see his face 'I wanna show you England, it's a once in a life time experience lorns...' I smiled excitedly, he was right, jack can't stop anything! I pushed william out of the room excitedly so I could get dressed in my new dress, it was slightly big but I didn't care, I was over the moon!

Oh crap. I entered the room at the best time. Yeah, sarcasm. Jack and William screaming at each other. Matt was holding jack by the stomach, stopping jack from ripping into William. As soon as jack saw me he fought against Matt to get to me

'tell him! Tell him your not going to England with him! Let him go alone if he's so desperate!' he shouted furiously at me, finally managing to elbow Matt in the ribs and free himself from the tight grip holding him back. He launched himself at William but I was faster, I got to William and put myself in between of the two of them. Jack stopped immediately and looked at me sadly 'tell him your not going...' he said solemnly, I couldn't look at him, I couldn't make eye contact with him

'jack I'm going to England...whether you like it or not...its not like I'm going and never coming back...'

'yeah but I don't trust him lorna!'

'oh yeah! Is that cos you know from experience that she doesn't handle rapists well?! I actually look after lorna, you wanker!' william shouted back at jack

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