Chapter 5 - continued

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The look on Jack's face as he saw me walk through the door was a real picture, he beamed happily, I'd never seen him like that before! But his face when I pulled William through and he saw us holding hands, was not good

'get the fuck off her!' he screamed aggressively 'what are you doing here?! Near her! Your the reason she went away aren't you! What have you told her' he lurched forward, William reacted pretty quickly, pushing me behind him and moving one arm to shield his very fresh wound

'Jack calm down!' William shouted quite sternly but jack took no notice and within seconds Jack had punched William hard in the ribs, William let out a short gasp out of pain

'William! Omg Jack leave him alone!' I tried to pull him away from will but he grabbed my wrist and pushed me away, I squealed as I lost my balance and fell, Jack didn't care. He threw in another punch, this time into William's wound which caused him to scream in pain and double over in anguish, Just as Jack went in for another hit William grabbed his fist, he hit Jack at the back of the leg causing him to stagger to Will's level, that gave William the opportunity to hit Jack in the jaw, then the nose, I watched horrified as both Jack and William collapsed, I immediately ran to William. But William hadn't finished, he kicked Jack in the stomach hard leaving Jack in a mess on the floor. His nose was bleeding and he was clutching onto his stomach, tears streamed from his eyes and as I looked down at him he looked into mine, his eyes full of sorrow. 'get away stupid idiot! What do you think your doing!'

'I...he!' Jack opened his mouth as if he was going to argue back, I shook my head and kneeled next to William, looking at his bandages and squirming slightly at the fact he was bleeding out of them, he was going pale and sweaty. Jack stumbled off, probably to try get sympathy from Matt. William had his eyes shut, he was breathing heavy and trying to relax 'how bad is it' he said, wincing as I took the bandage off

'I'm gunna have to get your new bandages out and some antiseptic by the looks of it. I told you, you shouldn't have come out so early!' I frowned and looked up to see Matt with new bandages from Williams bag

'I told you, he's being a dick' he sighed and sat down next to me, he helped dress Williams wound then moved William to the sofa so he could get some rest 'I'm gunna go see Jack, would you mind watching William?' I frowned at him then at Matt, he nodded and sat down on the floor

'you go, beat him up or something...tell you something, Jack didn't expect that from William! He's still in shock, crying and bleeding, he's such an idiot when he wants to be, he just doesn't think!' he sniggered a bit and smiled 'got what was coming to him though'

I'm such a softy, my plan of screaming at Jack seemed to disappear when I walked into the plain old room with the big window and saw Jack huddled up in a corner crying his eyes out. The hoody he got as a present from Blake was wet from tears and red from the fact he had used his sleeve to mop up the blood from his nose. He reminded me of the poor, helpless Jack I got to know and fall in love with. I walked over to the slump which was Jack and kneeled beside him

'cuddles' I said sympathetically, my arms open for a hug. Damn, why am I such a push over when it comes to sad little boys

'no....fuck off to long were you guys planning on running off together, eh? That why he needed that money so bad'

'Jack your being stupid, stop this....please'

'I was so worried! And scared...this last week has been the second worse week of my life' he looked into my eyes with his big tear filled ones 'just fuck off! Go have William! I know you want him! I can tell cos your different with him! You stuck up for him even after he beat the crap out of me!' his voice was breaking and the tears kept flowing, he put his head against the wall and wiped his tears

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