Chapter 2 - continued

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The next morning I woke up and stumbled out of bed, I looked back to see Jack curled up in bed with practically all the duvet on him, no wonder I was so cold, what an idiot. I yawned and pulled my jeans on along with a t-shirt and jacks hoody. It was dark outside, darker than usual, I frowned then looked at my watch, it was 6 am, explains why it was so dark. I moaned and sighed, summing up my options, wake Jack up and get reminded of last nights events, go downstairs, eat and hope nobody heard us last night, or get in bed and snuggle up to Jack. The last thing I wanted to do was be with Jack and get reminded of last night, so I walked downstairs tiredly, practically laying on the wall, I made my way into the kitchen to be greeted by Harry's cheeky grin

'good morning!' he said, way too excitable, shit.

'why so peachy Harry' I mumbled, making myself a cup of coffee and a pop tart

'no reason.....ummmm...what did you do last night'

'oh Harry no way, your rooms three doors down!'

'I heard everything! Jacks got a rate pair of lungs when you get him going'


'haha, your regretting it now ain't ya, so you have sex?'


'suck him off?'


'that's a yes...'

'no, it's a no, because I didn't!'

'you did, your blushing, Cmooon I wanna know!'

'I didnt do that, that is disgusting!'

'you give him a wank then'

'um...yeah...I won't be doing it again anytime soon though...eurgh, I wish I didn't, I wish that night didn't happen!'

'Lorna, aww c'mon, surely it wasnt that bad!' I eviled him wearily from across the room

'shut up or I WILL kill you' I yawned and took my breakfast to the table, sipping my coffee and watching Harry grinning 'please stop, it's gunna be bad enough when jack comes down' I moaned and he sighed, he smiled and came round to give me a hug

'sorry, you off home today?' he said, I nodded and hugged him back

'yeah I think, errgh, last night was gross'

'did he....'

'don't' I laughed and shook my head, I ate my breakfast then walked back to mine and Jack's room

I crept in and began stuffing my clothes into a bag quietly. I heard Jack shift, I turned quickly 'morniiiiiing'

'hey there'


'ummm....yeah' I laughed a bit and walked over, I laid with him and he wrapped his arms round me 'lets not talk about last night...I know you didn't like it' he kissed my neck and I sighed with relief 'I love you Jack'

'I love you are amazing though....' he kissed me again and tightened his hug 'ready for home? I'm missing Ryan'


'you're wearing my hoody!' he laughed and put his head in the back of my neck, I shut my eyes and smiled, Jack had gotten a lot happier since we started dating, it was strange but I liked it, least he wasn't hurling rocks at me. We laid in bed for ages, Jack was warm and comfortable, I was unsure as to whether he had fallen to sleep, his face was buried into my neck, having someone there for you to hold you close is the best feeling ever. He's definitely asleep, when Jack sleeps he makes silly little snoring sounds, I found them both hilarious and adorable. I got up and wrapped him up in the duvet, stroking his hair then his nose, I then tip toed over to my bag and took my polaroid camera out, my present from Jack for my birthday, well, Blake gave him the cash, and took a few photos of him, I took the photos and waved them a bit so they'd develop, I loved the fact this camera was a little self developing camera, I grinned at the picture before putting it in my scrapbook.

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