Chapter 3 - William

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It was dark by the time me and jack got home, the long walk from the station to our little place of residence was made longer when we took the scenic route along the pier. I felt pretty warm in my new military style jacket that fit snugly over my hoody, I had my new converse on along with my new fluffy bed socks, unfortunately my dark grey jeans were not new, but went with my new navy military jacket perfect. Yes, I was in love with my new outfit from Blake for Christmas. My bag hung off my shoulder and rested just below my hip, which safely secured the 2000 bucks that Blake gave me for our christmas. The sea breeze ruffled my hair softly my hand in Jack's, our fingers intertwined, I looked up at him and smiled. 'this is perfect Jack...'

' is' he said, he stopped and put his hands round my waist, pulling me close to him, I put my arms around his neck and grinned 'Jaaaack'

'whaaaat Lorna' Jack looked down and looked into my eyes, his were sparkly and bright, he was so happy. 'are you a virgin Jack....'

'yeah course I am....I've never been in love...'

'but you said once you hadnt had it in over two years....that time you got a boner....'

'nah, I lied cos I was embarrassed'

' seem so desperate know... It though...why...'

'its so I can prove to you that I love you Lorna...that I'm in love with you....I'm desperate for you to know how much I've always loved you...' I sighed and hugged Jack tight, was Jack really that in love with me. I love you was pretty easy to say, after all, Jack wasn't the only one who had told me. Just over 24 hours a go Jordan had admitted his feelings and told me he was in love with me. Not attraction or infatuation. Love. I didn't want to hurt Jordan and I didn't want to hurt Jack. I put my forehead on Jack's chest, moved my arms down round his waist and huffed angrily. I was thinking over the current situation way too much and I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. Not even my own family loved me at the moment. I burst into tears, terrible memories flooding back, the times Peter would be rotten to me, when dad would shout and scream at me for asking simple questions and mom sitting there crying. 'hey, what's wrong Lorna?!' the shocked tone in Jack's voice was a sound I knew well, within the first few months of Jack taking me in I'd randomly burst into tears, like I was doing now 'what's wrong....c'mon lorna' he said, this time in a softer tone

'my family hate me! My dad...and Peter! They hate me Jack'

'no they don't Lorna! They don't baby'

'they do Jack! My dad hates me....ever since Peter left...that's when everything turned wrong! He never wanted me! I was a mistake you know! I was never wanted!'

'that's not true! Your dad loved you, he took you to Florida with his new girlfriend' Jack began stroking the back of my head, his thumb gently brushed my neck, I shook my head and sniffed

'he did that so moms life would be ruined...he knew she'd be okay with me! Why couldn't they live together happily, why did dad need another woman!?'

'now c'mon, please be quiet, your not a mistake, your parents do love you, things change....'

'notice how...I've never been in the news...I bet he didn't even send out a search party when I left...and I was a mistake, Peter told me and....'

'Lorna shut up!' Jack interrupted, he sounded quite angry 'don't believe a word that Peter ever said to you, he's a jerk! A complete bastard...forget him okay! I love you and he never did' I froze up slightly in Jack's arms, those words hurt me, I managed a quick nod and sighed.

So Peter hates me? Or always hated me. Great thanks Jack. I was a mistake too, mom forgot her pill on vacation and dad was desperate, she got pregnant then I was born. My grandpa, my dads dad was ill, my dad was constantly there taking care of grandpa, while my mom was pregnant and when I was a baby. Mom got sick while she was pregnant with me and I was a premature baby, I was on life support for a few weeks in an ICU, dad was rarely there. Peter was though, he practically raised me to be honest, we have videos of my mom giving a wailing baby, me, to Peter and I'd just shut up. I always made fun of Peter and said it was cos I was terrified, but Pete had a magic touch. I looked up at the moon still wrapped tightly in Jack's arms, Peter always said if ever we were apart, if we looked at the moon, we'd feel less lonely, cos the moon will always be there for us on lonely nights. 'hey Jack, c'mon I wanna go home now' I looked up at him, the fake smile plastered on my face, Jack smiled and stroked my cheek 'c'mon then' we set off walking home, Jack's arm was draped on my shoulders, I could feel the tension between the two of us for a second before Jack loosened up and relaxed. 'your not a mistake Lorna....don't ever think that you are, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here right now' he sighed a bit 'before I met you, I'd already tried killing myself a few times....really upset Matt, he didn't know what to do with me...every time he had to pick me up and bring me back...must have been awful for him......but I couldn't cope and now I have you, it's easier, it's fun to be honest, I can't live without you' he smiled and gave me a quick hug whilst we walked, I was silent though and didn't give him much of a response. Does that mean, I can't get out, without killing Jack?

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