Chapter 9 - Home (William's P.O.V)

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Shit. Too far now. I knew I had fucked up the moment I saw natasha, in my bed, naked. Oh crap, poor lorna. Guilt flooded my body. Just hours after I kissed her, leading on little girls now William! I guess I just wanted a familiar sense. I got up and covered Natasha up, pulling my old trackies on, tightening them as much as I could at the drawstring. I'd lost so much weight. I wasn't a fat little tosser back in the day but I wasn't a skeleton. Lornas gunna be well confused! And upset, I mean, yesterday I was snogging her, then I go home and shag the fuck out of my ex. Oh Jesus. I jogged downstairs, Callum was sat reading the paper, he frowned at me 'I ain't even gunna bother with you!' Callum was my best friend, he knew what was best for me and punished me when I had done wrong

'is lorna alright?! I can't believe this!'

'well William, your the only one to blame!'

'what about Natasha! She jumped on me!'

'you know what she's like William, anyway, I'll take £20 babysitting funds!'

'Callum tell me straight, is she upset'

'I quote, Williams become a big dick since we got here, I know him and Natasha have history but I didn't think he'd just ignore me like he's doing. Well done William!'

'oh fuck me'

'no thanks William, I mean, what are you planning to do with her apart from depress her?!'

'Callum I like her, okay, I wanted some alone time with her and now I've got it I feel awkward as fuck near her!'

'you've only known her for a few week! And she's got a lad!'

'yeah the lad who tries raping her! Callum mate, I'm being serious, I wanna look after her and I'm dead into her!'

'well you best say sorry! She's too young to fuck around with William!'

'when did you become so caring Cal?!'

'go apologise tosser'

'hiya...what you doing in here...?' lorna was laid in bed, that wasn't the weird thing, she was hidden up in the attic room, this place is horrible! She shrugged, she was wrapped up in pretty much all the clothes she had and was reading kerrang

'what you got there lorna...?'

'kerrang...I've just finished New musical express'

'NME darling, it's best read ever that is, I could...'

'no! I'm fine, I have plenty of magazines and stuff to read, you can go now...' she smiled, waving a box of cookie crisps, I nodded and walked out, oh dear.

'wait will!' lorna called after me, sounding enthusiastic, I walked back to her and popped my head round the door 'yeah lorna?'

'well, William, I was thinking last night, seen as your all fixed up, you could stop here maybe, I mean, you have friends here and you could apply for college and stuff...'

'oh, yeah that sounds good' I stood there like an awkward bastard, waiting for lorna to reply to me, she just returned to her magazine and ate her cereal 'lorna...want me to book you a flight home then...'

'yeah...actually, it's shit here will' she mumbled quietly, looking up at me with her wide, cat like green eyes.

'look, last night...I wasn't thinking straight...'

'did you get that from a whores handbook or the manslut manual?' she said sharply, she had a point I guess, it was a common excuse, but she wasn't finished 'that's all my dad said, you know, 'sorry lorna, it wasn't my fault, I wasn't thinking straight, but I've fallen in love with Cheryl!' well, those may not have been his exact words but I'm sure men have an excuses booklet'

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