Chapter 5 - Renaissance (Lorna's P.O.V)

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(Lornas side, a week later)

Running. Skidding. Giggling. It was a brilliant new life with William. He was going into surgery today and we thought we'd have some fun before he did. Our little home seemed happier, me and William had decorated it with flattened soda cans and potato chip wrappers. I had used the money that Blake had given to me for Ryan's christmas to pay for wills surgery. I'll get it back while Williams in the hospital, then sneak into the house while there all asleep to put the gifts in Ryan's room. I missed them, I missed Jack, but I was happy here. Plus I had a massive crush on William. William was like a brother to me though and I was like his sister, I didn't want to ruin that relationship but William is pretty hot. I found the perfect hiding place, I sat and waited for William to come find me, trying my best not to giggle. I looked at the clock on the wall in the bare room, well, not completely bare, it had no windows though, just dark objects, perfect hiding place. William was due in the hospital in an hour, so he best hurry up and find me. Whilst waiting I had a little think about Jack, Matt and Ryan. Were they okay, were they missing me, were the putting Christmas decorations up. Jack....I missed him so much. My eyes watered slightly, I curled up against an old metal bed frame, thinking. Before I knew it I was crying fully, I tried wiping my tears frantically then I heard William call me 'lorna, where are you, why are you crying?!'

'how the hell can you hear me?!' I sniffed a bit and got up, I popped my head round the frame and saw William, he was a few feet away 'oh....that explains it...I was just thinking...that's it'

'aww lorna, come here darling' he put his arms out for a hug and smiled 'you best not be worrying about me' he put his arms round me, stroking my hair

'I'm scared something bad will happen to you' I sighed, I hated lying to William, he was too good to me. but I couldn't let him know I wanted Jack, plus he would be alone for Christmas if I went back

'nothing's going to happen to me okay? Now let's get going I've got to go get cut open' be smiled reassuringly and took my hand, he grabbed his bag and we set off walking to the hospital.

I found myself in tears by the time will was all set to go, I really was worried this time, I knew it was upsetting him and making him nervous but I couldn't stop. 'um, can we have a moment alone please nurse, she's really upset' William said, a shaky tone to his voice, the nurses left and William smiled 'what am I gunna do with you eh, if all the lads int pub in london knew I'd have such a little pesky bundle of fun they'd have joined me on my mission to America!' I was sat on the sofa next to his bed, he grabbed my hand and pulled at me until I got up, then he pulled me into bed 'what's wrong....'

'I keep thinking your going to die William.....'

'a week a go you wouldn't have known me though, you could go to Jack darling, if anything happens to me'

'but William I like you' I mumbled whilst shoving my head into his chest, trying to make my mumble inaudible

'aww, I already know darling' he laughed a bit and moved away from me slightly, he looked quite plain, William usually dresses outrageously but he was only dressed in a top and sweats, he shuffles his body down so he could face me

'You are only 13, it's pretty easy to pick up on a 13 year old fancying you'

'oh right...' I felt myself getting hotter, I was definitely blushing 'Lorna...even if I liked you in return...I couldn't be with you'

'you can...why can't you' I smiled a bit and looked up into his eyes, I was tired but tried to keep my eyes looking wide and awake

'well...there's just....'

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