Chapter 4 - Life without love (Jack's P.O.V, a few hours earlier)

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Life without love

Jack's side, a few hours earlier

Home was good, well, this place. I didn't particularly like taking Lorna up to Blake's, I never do. Too many desperate guys up there I guess. I guess I'm one of em, but if I try that again I'm gunna lose her for good and I cannot let her go. However, this place is a fucking craphole, I would understand her wanting to leave. I dropped my bag down on the old rocking chair and yawned, sleep seemed pretty good at the moment I have to say. I pulled my shirt off and chucked it onto the bed, our bed, mine and Lorna's.

I took a cigarette from the case on the fireplace and walked through the hall and up the stairs, towards the end of the 2nd hallway was Matt's room, which had the light on, best not disturb Ryan, it's late and his lights are out. I walked down the hall, it was quite a cool night and I regretted taking my shirt off. I nudged the door a bit whilst placing the cig in my mouth, so I could pop my head round the door

'Hiya Matt!' I faked a grin for him, he hates to see me unhappy and knows I'm never in the best of moods after I go to Blake's. My exit was delayed, I only planned a brief greeting then out for a smoke then bed with Lorna 'errgh Matt, dirty bastard, what's that!?'

'oh hiya Jacko, this, is porn kid' he said pointing at the front of the magazine and raising his eyebrows sarcastically as if I was stupid, he was laid out on his bed with a shirt and sweats on I took the cigarette out and shook my head

'yeah I know what that is I'm not that young' I examined the magazine slightly and laughed a bit 'not getting any are you?'

'fuck off Jack you little virgin' he smiled a bit, put his magazine down and sat up with his knees up so I could sit down. I had been Matt's friend ever since I can remember, he's almost two year older than me and practically my brother, I knew every invite and every mood, I sat at the bottom of his bed and laughed.

'Matt, I'm only a virgin cos of Lorna, cut me some slack dude!'

'well stop judging me, I might be getting plenty, whores love me!'

'three reasons why I know you're not getting any, one, Ryan, he's stuck to you so I doubt you'd be fucking chicks with him in the next room, two, money, hookers ain't cheap and three your reading that!' I sniggered slightly and Matt scowled jokingly. He's a smart guy is matt, you can read him like a book sometimes, when the attacks happened he knew exactly what to do, he's nicer than me, got a kinder heart I guess, but he hides it sometimes to act tough

'you still being good with Lorna, no funny business?'

'um well....' I grinned, looking down a bit an putting my hands in my hair

'what you do Jack?! C'mon, jeez you horny bastard'

'I just taught her a few tricks of trade '

'what trade, prostitution, or your personal sex slave'

'nooo, just basic skills then, but she hated it, ignored me after I did it, but it was worth it' I winked and smiled, looking down at my cigarette which I was fiddling with

'what tricks do you know Jack?! Is she asleep or something?' Matt said whist yawning himself

'Nahh she's chilling out side for a bit, probably crying over her fucking brother'

'be nice, just cos she loves him more than you' Matt laughed but I didn't, it hurt. All I've done is look after and love lorna, how can she possibly love her brother more after what he did

'I don't get it....I love her more....' I sighed sadly, in all fairness, I've never loved a girl like I love Lorna, I don't think I've loved a girl, plus all the relationships I've had were with older women, not pleasant. 'Matt I'm gunna goooo now dude, wanna have a smoke before Lorna comes in'

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