Chapter 8 - England

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That's it. We were here. England. Well London to be precise. William held the door open, I was excited and full of energy now, I had slept right through the 7 hour flight. I walked out of the airport, the cold hit me, it was awful, much more icy than Boston. I looked up at William shocked, it was icy, the floor was covered in snow and it was night time already.

'welcome to England darling, what do you think? Our taxis gunna be here soon'

'it's cold! I'm freezing! And good, where are we stopping?!'

'urm, I haven't sorted that out yet....but...' I didnt give William time to give me an excuse

'you mean you haven't sorted anywhere for us to stay?! William I'm freezing, I can't sleep out on a night like this!'

'shhh, chill, we'll get the taxi to my mates, I'm sure they'll let us stop'

'I get the feeling hailing a cab over here is totally different compared to getting one in new York'

'yeah, we call em, you don't even live in new York...'

'mine and jacks holiday...' it was at that very point, I found nothing to say to William, England was cold and hurt my lungs, did I remember my inhaler, crap, I'm not sure. We sat outside the airport waiting for the taxi, William sighed and looked out toward the office building, it was dark but I was wide awake, I've never felt anything like it.

The taxi came, I hopped in while William put our bags in the back. We hadn't talked much, I think my reaction to England was a bit disappointing for William, to be fair all I had seen was an airport. The accents were pretty hilarious though. The taxi set off when William got settled in, he hugged me and sighed

'are you seem quiet'

'im just tired, bet it's gunna be weird seeing your friends again' I smiled weakly, stroking his palm softly

' ex girlfriend and my old best friend, they can be funny bastards with me, hopefully seeing you they'll let us stop'

'what do you mean...' I said silently, not quite sure what he was insinuating

'um, well you know, your only a kid, your skin and bones too...'

'so your hoping they'll feel sorry for the little charity case...brill, rather sit on the streets....'

'no! I didn't mean that...I'm just gunna shut up...' a long sigh from William sent shivers through my body, jeez I was being moody

The taxi pulled up outside Williams friends house, about an hour or two after we set off, not bad. It looked roughy though and this was a place in the nicer parts of shoreditch. William knocked on the door, he hadn't made eye contact with me, he waited for someone to answer the door. I turned to him and hugged him tight

'sorry william...'

'I'm sorry too, I expected you to be look like a rabbit caught in headlights'

'England is actually pretty cool, you kinda fit in better here, oh there's something I have to tell you! I'm...' the door opened, a tall, skinny red haired girl was stood there, her arms were crossed and she was pouting, she narrowed her eyes at me, she was wearing high waisted shorts and a checked shirt with a few necklaces, her hair fell in loose curls on her chest.

'fucking hell, William!' she gasped, gawping at William, she pushed me out of the way immediately, hugging William tight. I stood awkwardly, yes, could I have looked more of a reject. She didn't let go of him for a good 5 minutes before dragging him in. I stood outside for a while, I didn't get invited in and it seemed rude just walking in.

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