Chapter 7 - continued

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A chill ran through my body as I searched for the best escape route, why were the streets so dodgy.

'think we should take her to bed eh'

'she does look pretty tired'

'I couldn't help noticing you guys had cornered something, you best get away from her, she's pretty important' a man in a yellow polo emerged through the crowd and stood with his arms folded and eyebrows raised, the guys mumbled and departed. I gawped at my saviour for a bit, realising he was security and would be able to help me

'I'm looking for my friend Matt, he's quite tall, dark hair, blue eyes, pale and and' I stopped when I realised the security man was laughing at me 'I can't remember what he's wearing, would you be able to help, I can't find him!'

'he cant find you either, he sent me to fetch you, actually there he is' I spun round looking for Matt, only to have my head straightened in the direction of the boxing ring, that's where I saw Matt. I stared in complete amazement as Matt beat the shit out of his opponent, he did it so skilled, dodging and weaving hits and throwing random punches. If Matt was such a brilliant boxer then why didn't he just hit jack when they began fighting. In fact I've never seen Matt fight so well. He looked so energetic and fast, his opponent was clearly flagging within the first few minutes. If he was this good, why did he not fight off Jordan that time when Jordan stabbed him. I was confused to say the least but I was struck with awe.

The match was soon over, Matt had won, he was way better than the other guy! I found myself a nice spot and watched for a bit, before retiring to matts little changing room which contained a comfy little sofa, apparently Matt was a local legend unknown to myself and jack. It didnt seem that long before I had settled down and had just closed my eyes that i was awoken by Matt who was shaking me slightly, looking rather annoyed that I was curled up in the quiet room. Probably because he had a skinny, blonde girl half dressed in a glittery outfit with super exposed breasts. I blinked slightly, looking at her then at Matt, I had been asleep for an hour. I looked up at Matt to see him looking rather aggravated, the girl was looking round quite awkwardly. Then I got the hint.

'urm I'll wait outside....Watch a few more matches' I blushed and left the room feeling awkward. I waited outside for a while but there's only so much screaming a girl of my age and innocence can take.

I walked home, it was snowing again. I was trying to stop thinking about all the bad stuff that may happen, it was a rough neighbourhood. It was rather chilly and a felt a deep sense of regret from leaving the club. Was it snowing in new jersey? It never snowed in Florida. A Christmas without my mom, my brother, my puppy, my real family building snowman. Cheryl was a vegetarian so Christmas dinner was just a seasonal salad. I got shouted at by my dad for crying at the dinner table and was told to spend the rest of my day in my room as I was making the day slightly more depressing. That christmas I managed to name every single one of my tropical fish and practically starved. My dads messed up in the head, I think he has something wrong with him. He always used to cry and tell me he loved me when he was with mom, everything was normal too. Ya know, with peter. Cheryl was a doctor, she quit though and my dad paid for a luxury life for her.

He once bought me a puppy, that was the first time in weeks I felt happy, I spent hours playing with him and then he'd sleep in my bedroom. I called the puppy Rex and I loved him dearly. About a week of me having him Cheryl decided she wanted a chihuahua and well, of course my dad bought her it. Rex decided that it's constant yapping was annoying and bit the chihuahuas back end. That resulted in Rex having to get rehomed.

You know that feeling you get when your feet are that cold that they go numb and you think your toe may have dropped off. Well I actually think my toe has dropped off. It doesn't matter though, I'm home now. I stepped into the front room, it was lit up with a few candles and jack was sat up looking through a magazine on cars. He looked up at me with tired eyes and frowned

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