Chapter 1

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Today it was Friday. My alarm clock rang at 5.30. I was still tired but it was time do get ready for today. Because today we start filming season 3 of Girl Meets World and I'm very excited. I already red the script before and we all talked about the first episodes, but today we start filming again. So I got up and went downstairs for having breakfast. My mum was already awake and made me some bread and orange juice.
"Morning" I said while clearing my throat. "Morning my dear" my mum said.
After having breakfast I ran upstairs to get dressed. I looked in my wardrobe and pulled a boy jeans out of it. I decided to wear a grey pullover to it and my black winter boots. We already have November and outside it's really cold. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and cleaned my teeth. I brushed my hair and didn't put some make up on, because they will do it on the set today. I looked into the mirror: my long, dark brown hair are still a little curly from yesterday. I'm happy with my look today. So went back to my room. I looked at my mobile: I got one message from Sabrina:" Hey, excited about today?" "Yeah, I'm happy to go back to set ." I wrote back.
I like the script for season 3. All our characters are getting older and there will be a lot more Rucas. I started smiling until I recognized it. I don't know why I'm happy about this... I think because of all the fans...they will be happy about this.

*on the set
When I arrived , I went first to my dressing room. I changed my clothes into them from Riley...Today we start with episode one. I took my mobile phone and went to hair and make up. At 7.30 I went to the set and Sabrina jumped into my arms.

Sabrina: hey Row!
Me: hey Sabrinnniiiieeee

Together we walked to Riley's bed and sat down . Then I saw Peyton walking to us. I recognized getting kind of nervous...I didn't know why. Sabrina noticed...

Sabrina: Hey, row what's up?
Me: I really don't know.
Sabrina: Because of Peyton.
Me: That can't be...

He was almost there...

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Where stories live. Discover now