Chapter 5

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At six o'clock I stood in front of Sabrinas door. I nocked...
Then Sabrina opened the door.
Me: Am I the first?
Sabrina: Yeah, every time you are first :D come in!
I went into her house and went straight to the sofa and sat down. Sabrina sat next to me.
Me: Are your parents home?
Sabrina: no they are not. They are in New York for this weekends so we are alone this night. Any problems with it?
Me: no. I think it's better without parents, so they can tell us what to do right?
Sabrina: haha, so you're happy that You and Peyton probably could sleep next to each other?
Me: are you serious? You're kidding me? why... do I want to sleep to Peyton...?
Sabrina: because you like him :D
Me: why do you think I do?
Sabrina: I think you know why but no matter, he's not coming today.
Me: what? You won't come today but why? I I... I...
Sabrina: I'm just joking. But your reaction shows me that you really like him.
Me: yes you're right. Since today everything is really awkward between us. But I don't think I like him that way or ... do I? No... that can't be...

It knocked on the door so
Sabrina stood up.

Sabrina: yeah... I think we have to talk later again.
Then she opened the door.
It was Bradley. They hugged and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Did I already mentioned that my best friend has a boyfriend...and I'm still single . Ok, I'm just 14 years old and she's 16...But I never had one, so seeing her with know what I wanna say?
I stood up and went to Bradley. We hugged for saying hello.
Sabrina: Oh and Corey won't make it today, his family is doing a game night today .

So there are gonna be just couples this eve...except from me and Peyton......

Then Sarah, Sabrina's sister, came into the living room. Five minutes later Also Peyton C and my Peyton were there....wait, what? Did I really think this?

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Where stories live. Discover now