Chapter 4

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~ Peyton~
*real life
Director: Cut! Everybody have a break...and you guys should have a talk!
He pointed to us with his finger and everyone went away for having something to eat. Rowan and I still sat there...

He messed up his line. Things like that aren't so bad, everyone messes up their lines. But I know why he did this time. Because of me...since today , everything is so awkward between us...
Peyton: so...
Me:...since when is everything so awkward between us?
Peyton: Since this morning, I can't tell you why...
Me: something has changed...
Peyton: Are you sure?
Me: feels like...I think we just have do act normal....
Peyton:...Yeah...I'm sure nothing has changed...
Me: yeah you're right, we're like brother and sister.
Peyton: yeah right, let's do this thing.
We stood up and went to the others. I'm not sure, if there really nothing has changed, but I tried to ignore it and to concentrate on my work.
We shot two more scenes this day, and we had much fun. In some moments everything seems normal.
When I went into my dressing room, it was about 5pm. I changed my clothes into mine and went home. There I went straight into my room and sat down on my bed. I looked at my phone and saw that I have a new message from Sabrina. I opened it:
Sabrina: Hey Row, what do you think about a sleepover today? I also asked Corey, Peyton, Bradley and Peyton C. , my sister will be there too. What do you think?
Me: sounds great, when should I be there?
Sabrina: About six? We could all eat some pizza?
Me: Ok, so I have to hurry up. See u.

I put my phone away and packed everything for the sleepover in a back. Peyton will be there too...I don't know why, but I am happy about I like Pey ...noo that can't be, he was always like a brother to me...

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Where stories live. Discover now