Chapter 7

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After a few more rounds, it was my turn.
Me: Rowan. Truth or dare?
Rowan looked at me as if she wants to find out what I'm thinking right now.
Rowan: Da....Truth....
Me: When did you kiss the last time and who was your first kiss?
Rowan blushed.
Rowan: hey, that are two questions....
Sabrina: answer both, because it's my turn next and so I can ask you the other question, so go for it!
Rowan looked up to me, then back to Sabrina
Rowan: euhmmmm....
Sabrina: first kiss.....??
Rowan: P...Peyton...
She doesn't look up to me.
Me: So I was your first kiss?
Rowan looked up...
Rowan: yes, I think so...
Me:'re happy about your first kiss?
Rowan:Peyton! That was not the question.
But I saw her cheeks getting even more red....that looked kinda cute!
Wait....did I actually think that?....
Sabrina: and the last time you kissed??
Rowan: so it was was.....
Sarah: Come on Rowbott!
Me: hey, just I call her like this, so yes come on Rowbott....
Rowan looked down at her mattress....I couldn't see her eyes.
Suddenly she stood up and run out the room,I thought I would hear her cry....
Sabrina wanted to run after her,but I was faster....

I saw Rowan running into the bathroom and locking the door.
Me: Hey Row, please open the door!
She didn't say anything.
Me: Rowan, what's wrong?
Then I heard her crying....I don't know when she cried the last time....
Me: hey come on my Rowbott, why are you crying?
Rowan: Please ...G...go away....!
Me: No I won't!
Rowan: I won't talk to anyone right now...
Me: Have I done something?
Rowan: No...I don't know....
Me: So I did.....just.....please tell me and open the door!
It was silent now....Then suddenly Rowan opened the door.

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Where stories live. Discover now