Chapter 13

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~Rowan's POV~
Sabrina and I sat down on the sofa.
Me: "about what did you guys talk?"
Sabrina:"About what do you think we talked?"
Me:"You already know that!"
Sabrina:"So I just wanted to know, if Pey likes you too, so I decided to talk to Corey, because he is his best friend."
Me:"That's the point, I really don't wanna know that....if I know if he likes me or not....I don't think I could act normal in front of him..."
Sabrina:" I don't know yet, but I think Corey is about to find it out right now"
She smirked...
Me:"I don't care if Corey knows. I just don't want to know."
Sabrina:"But what is, if he likes you too?"
Me:"That wouldn't change anything! You know I'm not allowed to date untilill I am sixteen!"
Sabrina:"Oh yeah...the rule of your parents.."
Me:"They just don't want me to get hurt..."
Sabrina took my hand.
Sabrina:"I know peaches, I know. I promise you, I won't tell you if he likes you or not"
Me:"thanks Brina "
Sabrina:" Let's go upstairs again"

~Corey's POV~
Peyton: "She is three years younger than me..."
Me:"yeah, but that's no reason, my father is five years older than my mother"
Bradley:"So you already thought about you and Rowan?"
Peyton:"yes, wait I mean no!"
Corey:"Oh no, you meant yes!"
Peyton:"But this conversation isn't important, because she isn't allowed to date until she is sixteen..."
Bradley:"So...if she would 've sixteen could imagine to date her?"
Peyton:"yeah...I think I could..."
I need to tell Sabrina...but I don't know what to do next. Peyton is right, Rowan isn't allowed to date until she's sixteen....I have to talk to Brina.
In that moment Sabrina and Rowan went inside again.
Sabrina:"Hey it's pretty late now. I think we should go to sleep, we have to go to radio disney tomorrow!"
Everyone agreed, so I think I'm going to tell her tomorrow....
So everyone went sleeping, except from Peyton C. And Sarah... :D

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora