Chapter 17

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*Rowan POV*
I can trust him...
"Peyton....that was...."
I couldn't take it anymore. I broke into tears and he hold me tight.
"Everything will be fine.."
"No, nothing will be fine."
We sat down on the floor and I started talking.
I told him about the call and after That I broke into tears again and he hugged me.
We just sat there, saying nothing, nobody came looking for us...
"What am I supposed to do?" My voice was silent and weak.
"You probably should tell the others...or at least you should tell Sabrina.."
I nodded.
"And your parents..."
"No! I can't do that!!!"
"You have to!"
"I know!"
Again a tear appeared on my cheek.
Peyton wiped it away.
"I would say, we go to Sabrina and tell her about the call, then we will bring you back home and will stay by your side, while You tell your parents?"
I just nodded and stared into his green eyes. They were beautiful, he was beautiful.
He was caring.
He smiled at me, his smile is so damn cute.
He stood up and helped me up too.
"Wait here"
He turned around and left.
It didn't take long, when he came back, Sabrina Right behind him. As soon as she saw me, she hugged ne tightly, like she never ever wants to let go.
"Rowan what happened"
I told her the whole story, this time I didn't Even cry, I wanted to, but it was like all the tears are out now.
I also told her about the plan, Peyton's plan of telling my parents. She hugged ne again and wispered:" I'll take my jacket!"

We told the rest, that we are going shopping some Candy. They asked questions, but without answering any of them, we left the house.

Don't ever leave me - Reyton (not finished/ pause)Where stories live. Discover now