Chapter 9

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~Rowan's POV ~
No one asked anything and I was very happy about that, but I knew, Sabrina would ask me later.
We just played on and it was much fun.
Then the doorbell rung and we all went downstairs. Sabrina payed for the pizza and we all sat down on the big sofa to watch a movie and eat. Peyton didn't left my side since our talk at the bathroom, and I'm really glad about that. On my right side sat Sabrina. Suddenly she whispered in my ear:" You know, I wanna talk to you later?" I just nodded. In the middle of the film I got a text message from our director.

Me: hey guys, I got a text message. Corey, Sabrina and Peyton, we're going to be live on YouTube with Radio Disney for an Q&A.
Sabrina: when and where exactly?
Me: tomorrow at 3 pm on the set.
Peyton: sounds cool, we haven't done that for a while.
We all agreed.

After the movie it was about 11.30 pm , so we went upstairs again. First we girls went into the bathroom, then the boys. Sarah went back into Sabrina's room and I and Sabrina went to downstairs again to get some water to drink.

*in the kitchen
Sabrina: Soooo, Row?
Me: hm?
Sabrina: what happened to you and Peyton and why did you not answer my question?
I stared to the ground.
Me: Peyton and I? What's up with that?
Sabrina: You know exactly what.
Me: OK, listen. I really don't know what happened. But I know that something is different now...
Sabrina: If you're asking me, I would say you two are totally in to each other....
She laughed and I threw a towel after her.
Sabrina: soooo????
Me: what?
Sabrina: do you like him....more as a friend?
I had to think about this a short time, then I knew the answer. I always said to my self that it couldn't be possible, that I would start to think of Peyton more than a friend ....but...
Me: you know what? I think I do.
I started smiling from one ear to the other and Sabrina did as well.

Peyton: you do what?
We turned around and saw Peyton and Corey comingj downstairs...

Author's Note:
I know I know, I told you guys before, that Corey wouldn't be at Sabrina's, but he has to be there now, so let's act, like he was there the whole time :D

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