Chapter 19

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"I'll go and get us something to drink, alright?" Sabrina asked. I just nodded. She stood up and left the room. I just stared to the ground. At first I didn't realized that Peyton stood up and sat next to me, I did when he put his arm around me. I looked up to him, right into his green eyes. I did not realize that I was crying, again I did, when he wiped single tears away. He put on a smile:" everything will be fine, I promise. I'll always be there to comfort you, to cheer you up. Brina is your best friend, you also can trust her." "Thank you Pey..." I tried to smile, but I don't know if it worked out the right way. "Come here Rowan," he said and gave me a long hug. I felt better then, I felt save. I don't know how long we sat there, hugging each other. But I jumped up, when I heard the door downstairs closing. Then I heard voices. Sabrina was talking to my mum.
I looked at Peyton with a scared look. He stood up:" Hey Row, everything will be fine. They're your parents, they will help you." I realized that I was shaking. He grabbed both of my hands to comfort me again and again it worked.
Together with Peyton I walked down the stairs, he was still holding one of my hands, I was glad he did. We walked into the kitchen, where my mum was talking to Sabrina and my dad started to cook lunch.
"Oh hey Peyton, you're here too," my mum said with a smile, then she saw my face, which was probably red from all the tears.
She came to me.
"Honey what happened?"
Suddenly I started crying again. My mom just gave me a hug and I cried and cried. No one was saying anything.
After a while I could calm down. My mum let go and looked at me.
"My dear what happened?"
I didn't know how to start. I looked around, I looked for help. I looked to Sabrina with a really scared look. She understood.
"This morning we all had breakfast together, then Rowan got a call and went to the living room for answering it..." Sabrina started.
My dad also made his way up to me. "Who was in that call?" He asked.
"I-..I don't know"
"I don't understand.." Of course they don't understand... How could they, but I still didn't know how to tell them.
"What did they say on the call?" My mum asked.
"It was the voice of a woman. She..she didn't say a name.... She..she said that..." I took a deep breath "she said that I'm not worth it having friends. That I should stop being my happy self and stop being in public. When I don't , they will stop me....." My mum looked shocked, so was my dad and I started crying again. This time it was Sabrina who comforted me with a hug.
"That call was anonymous?" My dad asked. I nodded.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked .
"I think we should go to the police. This case could be really serious."
"Yes," my mum agreed. "Let's go right now"
"Can Sabrina and Peyton join us?" I asked
My mum nodded and we all headed out the door, into my dad's car.
Next chapter is here. I hope you like it, please don't pay much attention to mistakes, I did not read it again.

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