Chapter 20

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I sat in the back of the car, between Sabrina and Peyton. As soon as we left the house I felt uncomfortable ... With my friends next to me, I feel better.
No one said anything. After about five minutes I received a message in my phone. It was from Corey:" Row, where are you? Did something happen? You guys just wanted to buy some candy?"
We all forgot Corey and the others, but I didn't know what to write back. I showed the text Sabrina, she grabbed my phone and wrote back:" Hey Corey. Everything is fine. I don't feel very well right now, so Sab and Pey brought me home and staying now for a while. Hope you guys aren't mad :)"
"Thanks" I whispered as she gave me back my phone. She nodded and grabbed my left hand to comfort me.

We only took about 10 minutes. Peyton got out if the car first. He grabbed my hand to help me out of the car. I took a deep breath and followed him.
Inside the nice lady at the front desk asked us to take a seat for a while. Still no one said anything.

After waiting for about 10 minutes we were allowed to talk to a police officer. We all entered the small room. A small table stood in the middle of the room. In front of it were three chairs to sit on.
"Hello, I'm officer Jackson. At first I need to know why you are here or because of who you are here." I raised my hand a bit and he nodded. " So I think you two are her parents and you two-" he pointed to Sabrina and Peyton "- You two are her friends?" We all agreed to that. "So I'm sorry to say that, but you guys need to wait outside. At first I want to talk to the family, if you understand"
Peyton and Sabrina were about to exit the room when I grabbed Sabbys hand.
"Peaches, please..."
"Rowan, I will wait outside, I know you got this" She smiled lightly and squeezed my hand one more time, before she and Peyton got out of the room.
I turned around and took a deep breath.
"Please have a seat " I sat down between my mom and dad.
"So, Rowan Blanchard, how can I help you?"
"You know my name?" Stupid Rowan, just think before you talk.
"Here in this part of the city you are well known. But besides that, what happened?"
I had to swallow first, then I tried to answer to the question but no word wanted to come out my mouth.
"I...I was..." I couldn't go on. I was happy that I have stopped crying about an hour ago, but now I could feel how I was about to tear up again.
"Take a deep breath honey." My mum said.
I tried to calm down and after about two minutes I felt ready to tell the story for the fourth time today.
While I was talking, the officer took notes. He didn't interrupt me, he just listened carefully. After I finished I felt a lot better. It was silent for a short moment till the policeman spoke up.
"The problem is, that we can't find out who made the call. The only thing we know is that the one who called has to be a woman and she's probably not alone. The possibility that this all could be a very mean prank is still there, but it would be way to dangerous to just believe that. Honestly I don't. The next question is how they got your phone number. But since they didn't show the number we can't even look from which phone they called you."
That doesn't sound good. Everything he said doesn't sound good.
"So...what are we supposed to do now?" My father had a very worried look on his face.
"The most important thing is your safety. You never should be alone, even at home. You need to be sure that there is always someone with you. We just can hope that they call again. In that case you really need to record the call. But please don't do that with an app. The safest way would be if someone else records it with his own phone, so never answer a call when you are alone."
"What about just changing my phone number?"
"No, that way we don't have any possibility to find out who made the calls, it will cause even more danger. I am thinking about sending an officer to watch you. You know for going to work and so on. Kind of a bodyguard. But then they probably won't call that soon... I'm sorry I was kinda talking to myself. But no. We won't send am officer yet. But make sure you're never alone, ok?"
I nodded.... I couldn't say anything at the moment. There are many things I want to say but it feels like my mouth lost the ability to open.
"So when something happens, call us immediately. I am pretty sure that the next thing that will happen won't be dangerous, I expect another phone call. But in case it is -"
He opened a box which was standing under his desk.
"- use this." In his hand was something that looked like a small remote control. It was just as big as a key and in the middle of it was a red button.
"Press that button, an alarm will go off we get the information where you are at this point. But I don't think you will need it in the next time."
I took the remote control.
"But you think I'll need it some day?"
"I don't hope so."
"But you do think, that something will happen in the next time?"
"Unfortunately yes."
So hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a long time, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I promise I will update more often, because I have some new motivation 💪🏻

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