The Protector (Harry Styles fan fiction)

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I walked out of the local Co-operative Food store, with a plastic bag in my hand. I bought some milk and sour dough bread, because I was running out.

I turned down a dark alley behind the building, with a street lamp barely lighting the end of the exit. I picked up my pace, because there was something just not right about this place.

When I got half way down the alley, the air became very cold, and didn't move. A strong wind came from my right, blowing my brown hair in front of my face.

I pushed my bangs out of my face, and grabbed onto my bag tighter. I was practically speed walking down the alley. When I reached the end of it, I stood under the lamp, praying to God for letting me get out of there.

I began to walk again, but something ran in front of me, making me screech to a halt. I looked around, down the street, and found nothing. I decided to call out "Hello is anyone there?!"

... Silence...

I knew I saw something! I was about to call out this isn't funny, but I felt two big hands grab my waist. The person brought there head into the right side of my neck. I could feel there warm breath, against my neck, it was tingling my skin. If I wasn't in this place, I would actually enjoy it.

The person whispered in my neck, "Mmm you smell amazing." I could tell it was a guy because they had a very deep husky voice. "D-don't, don't hurt-t me" "P-please..." I stuttered, as they ran there front teeth along my neck.

"What's your name love?" the guy asked, ignoring my pleading. I tried to remember my name, but I was so scared, I was having trouble. "Love don't make me hurt you" he said.

"M-my names Brook-klyn" I said still stuttering. "What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" "My names Harry by they way." "Oh I've never heard that before" I said shocked, that I got a sudden boost of confidence.

Harry just let out a deep throaty chuckle. It sounded very scary and evil. "You must be very sassy" he said, while turning my body around to face him. Harry brought his lips next to my left ear, and whispered just for me to here "I like that."

When Harry brought his head back, he looked straight into my eyes. Harry had beautiful emerald green eyes, but there was something more to them. They had hints of red, and looked like they were hiding secrets.

I took a look at him, because he may be the last person I ever see again. Harry's hair was a dark shade of brown, but that may be just because it was dark out. His hair was in a flop of curls, to the side. Harry looked fit, but not to over welling. But enough to scare me, that he could beat me up.

When I looked back up, Harry had a smirk plastered on his face. Oh crap he caught me checking him out! "Like what you see?" Harry said. "...No..." I said lying. "Well I'm sorry Brooklyn about what is going to happen next" "What are y-" I was cut off by the darkness taking over my body. Before I blacked out, I saw Harry lift my limp body up in his arms.


First story and chapter ever! Please comment and tell me your opinions or ideas?

-Jennie ♡

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