*Chapter 12*

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*Lou's P.O.V*

I'm glad that Brooke thought the same about the kiss, but I knew I was in big trouble...

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

What was I thinking, Harry's going to kill us?! I got quickly out from underneath Lou, and said "Umm... we should probably get going before they become suspicious?" "Uhh yeah" Lou said clearing his throat. It was like he was trying to clear the awkwardness engulfing us.


*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

After we came home, and ate, I asked if I could take a shower before we go shopping. "Of course, may I join?" Harry cheekly asked. "No" I said dead serious.

"What ever you say love" he said winking at me. "Oh and everything you need is in the bathroom." "Thank you" I said while climbing the stairs.

I closed and locked the door, not wanting Harry to carry out his ideas. I undressed myself from these stingy clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't believe that Harry and Lou found anything about me attractive. My hair was such a boring brown, and my eyes lost there life. I didn't happen to be like those preppy stick girls. I was just average in my eyes.

"Oh well" I muttered to myself. I turned the nozzle, and hopped into the warm water. I turned the nozzle all the way to the left, making the water not just hot, but extremely. For some reason I found the pain inside of me to be numbed if I create equal pain on the outside. All I wanted was to be out of this hell hole. I felt myself slowly loosing patients. Like the longer I had to be away from my family and the outside world, the more frustrated I became.

My body ached, and I began having thoughts like; What happens if I don't get out of here? Will they just get tired of me, and suck me dry? Will I fall in love with one of them? No that's not possible, there monsters! Just because one kissed me doesn't mean I love them.

I don't understand any of this? Why they kidnapped me, vampires, the dreams, and this feeling in my stomach. I began to feel very dizzy and ill. I quickly turned off the water, and opened the curtain. The only thing I could do was lean over the toilet and let myself go.

The door was being crowded around by footsteps and heavy breathing. "Brooke are you okay?! Harry and Lou said simultaneously. "Yeah-" I said stopping because I was dry heaving.

"Eww, I'm leaving" Zayn obviously said, not carrying if I die in here. "Brooke, open the door so we can come in there and help you?" "No-I'm not dress-" "We won't look love" Harry said. "We'll grab a towel and cover you" Lou added. "Fa-fine" I choked out, trying to reach for the lock. I turned it and covered my body with my hands. "Oh my God Brooke!!" Harry screamed.


Sorry loves that I haven't updated, I've been busy with finals, and family. Basically life haha ^.^ well I've had sort of a writer's block, but I have some ideas. Vote, and please comment for ideas, I'd love that. Thank you to everyone who has read my story and the people who have voted. I appreciate it.

-Jennie ♡

The Protector (Harry Styles fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora