*Chapter 5*

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*Lou's P.O.V*

Brooklyn thought I was hot, score!

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

"So how did you and Harry meet?" Niall asked. I almost choked on the piece of strawberry I was eating. All eyes where on Niall, because of his stupid question he asked me, obviously not paying attention to anything Harry told them earlier. "Cm-hum" Harry coughed clearing his throat.

"Niall, Harry already told us this" Liam said, being the mature adult, avoiding saying basically that Harry kidnapped me. "Well, what was it, I forgot?" Niall asked. "Sorry love" Liam said while giving me a sympathetic look. He leaned over, and whispered in Nialls ear. His mouth made an "o" shape, and then Niall just apologized and went back to eating his scrambled eggs. "It's okay" I mumbled, looking down to my plate of food, thinking about how I wouldn't be able to see my family for a while. I was just imagining how they must feel right now.

"Brookieboo, don't feel upset" Louis said. Wait how did he know I was upset? "I can read minds love" he said smiling. "You guys have powers to?!" just my luck, not. "Yeah" Harry said jumping into the conversation. "Niall can shock people, Liam can see the future, Zayn can make people say what ever he wants them to, and me, well I have telekinesis" Harry said.


"So all I have to do is let him touch my hand with his finger?" I asked. "Yup" Niall replied. "What happens if he hurts me?" I asked scared. "I won't let that ever happen" Harry said with a serious expression. "Okay" I said while sticking my hand out. "Don't be scared-" "OWW!" "What the mother fudger Niall!" they all began to laugh, even Harry. "You said you wouldn't let anything hurt me Harry?!" I yelled.

They just kept laughing at me. "Ugh!" "I'm sorry Brooklyn, but you must admit, that was pretty funny?" he said, smiling at me. "Okay, what ever... maybe just a little" "But your not off the hook" I said giggling, as Harry pulled me to his chest from behind. "What are you going to do punish me?" Harry said playfully. "That's a good idea" I said while wiggling out of his grip, and grabbing a pillow from the couch. "Heehee, come here Harry?" I called him, getting ready to have a pillow war with them.


Comment please?!

-Jennie ♡

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