♦Getting there. ~ CHAPTER 2♦

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***My Pov***

"Wake up!" I could hear my younger brother's voice sharp sting in my neck, it's wierd how he got more of a Hidden Grass accent than I did, I lived there the longest.

"WAKE UP, (y/n)" Kenjie yells into my ear. It hurt a lot.

"Okay, okay. I'm awake - don't yell next time, ugh." I tell him. I rush to the kitchen to serve myself some hard boiled egg and rice, joining my parents at the dining table.

"So, whats good?" I ask at the table while my parents take a glance at me.


"Yeah, good" My parents states to me while I was eating my rice and egg. The sticky rice really takes its shape into my mouth, I should compliment my Mum's cookings - although I think she knows since if it wasn't nice - no one would eat it.

"An hour until school, (y/n)." Mum tells me across the table, giving a smile.

I rush to finish my rice to join my brother to the bathroom for getting ready for a good first impression.

"Yes girl, slay" I repeat over my mind serveral times as I stare at my messy hair. Looking at my hair comb and bobby pins, I create a quick simple messy bun at the back of my head, clipping it down.

I also brush my teeth and add makeup while listening to my brother jaba (yap) on about how hes nervous about his school - trust me, he has a big storm coming if hes complaining about middle school work. I reach for my backpack and leave the room.

Honestly, I think I completed my look - not over the top.

I'm ready.

"Bye, Mum. Bye Dad" as I wave out the door to walk to school in a plain white t-shirt and some lazy pants which make me walk funny.


>I wonder if they'll like me..

>I don't think I care...


Konoha High School.

As I approach the school's doors, I see many seniors go into the doors marked with a letter and a number. I ask the receptionist about the principal and she escorts me to his office.

I open the door and take a seat, he sees me and his eyes fill with joy.

"You are (y/n), correct?"

"Yes, Mr..." I reply back to him.

"Mr Sarutobi" he states.

"So, you must be in need of some clothes and books - I have them here." He went over to a wider part of the office and taking a uniform, heading towards my way. He extends his arms passing the school uniform for me to try on. Mr Sarutobi leaves the room and tells me to say when I'm ready.

The blue and white in the uniform match together - pretty cool.

The long mirror shows how I look but not how I feel. I feel pretty nice in theses - they're professional.

"Done" I yell for Mr Sarutobi to come back into the room. I place my alternative wear into my backpack with my books.

Mr Sarutobi walks me out of his office to a class room with the sign "3A" ontop of the door which suggests the class number or what it was known as.

I have this song stuck in my head, I don't know what it is but it is switched on and I can remember every word. Let's do this.

Mr Sarutobi reaches for the door - I enter with confidence. I see a medium sized classroom with the sun peaking out the windows glowing on the students close to the window. An array of desks going in rows and colomns. There is an estimate of 20 students in this classroom.

The teacher of 3B put down the Year 12 Maths text book and spoke in a soft voice..

"Class, this is a new student.."

"(Y/n), she will be joining us in 3A"

I glance at many of the people at the class - I recognise the teenagers from yesterday. They're in this class. I see some other students who stick out, one guy with the blond hair and a girl with two cinnamon buns on either side of her head and a red tote bag next to her desk that had an illustration of a giant rilakkuma.

Most of the girls looked like they really clung to the guys.

The teacher wrote his name down on the white board.

"Kakashi Hatake"

He assigns me a seat next to the girl with the tote bag, she seems like a good friend.

"Hey." she peeps out after Kakashi introduced me to the class of students.

"I'm TenTen."

Konoha High School AU ~ Naruto [updated]Where stories live. Discover now