♦texts ~ CHAPTER 10♦

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I'm on my way home, the sky is getting darker with the transparent clouds in the sky. The sky is very pale, the time is reaching 2:00PM. I approach my home after a visit to the markets. I keep trying to dismiss the thought of Sakura and Sasuke when my mind isn't occupied about something else. Like a maths equation.

When I get home, I might go full otaku and just surf the internet for cute designs or clothes.


After being greeted at the door by my mum and a refreshing ice water. My mum retieves the mangos I bought from the markets. I slip on my new sweatshirt. I relax on my bed to check my phone.

I open up the Messanger app, exploring.


Miss Tenten has accepted your friend request.

You have two unread messages.

Miss Tenten

Greetings, how is your Saturday going?

Hope you've been okay.



Hey, boo!!!!

How you been?

Konoha High School seems like a chill high school, do you have cute class sensei?

Anyways, I wish I went to Konoha with you, girl. Kusagakure / Hidden Grass Village economy isn't as its best but I'm not going to get political with my best friend.

Hope you find what you're looking for at Konoha High School - we should explore Konoha Hot Springs sometime or Konoha Library to seek some cute nerds.

Love you.




It's nice that Sheikra keeps in touch with me still, I'll send her and Tenten a message. I'm glad that they both asked how I was. I'm flattered.


I read over my messages to see if they make sence before sending. All good.


I'll respond to their messages tomorrow or the day after.

-Time Skip-

Dinner time - 6:00PM

The dinner table is a bit chaotic in my mind, but it seems like a perfectly normal place to eat. My parents serve me butterchicken like last night - it still maintains the spicy flavour in the curry sauce.

"Was market good?" Dad asks.

"Yes Dad, very good fruit and vegetables." I answer back to my dad.

I rush to get in bed so I brush my teeth quickly to avoid any more social interaction with anyone, not that I don't like it - I'm just lazy.

-Time Skip-

Midnight - 12:45AM

My phone rings, ugh. I swear. I reach for my phone as my blanket cuffs around my wrists.

I press enter as I try and sit up on my bed, while listening.

"Hey, wanna come down to the cove?" They sound like they're whispering into the telephone.

It's Tenten.

"Okay - what time is it?" I answer to her.

"Doesnt matter, come outside." She says.

"Just a minute." I reply as I click 'End Call'.

I get from my bed to peer through my window, moving the floral drapes across. The car outside must be Tenten's or someones.

I quickly get my things - put on eyeliner, fix my hair, leave a note and sneak out. I see Tenten in a cheap burgundy car. So many people are in the small 4 door car. It was a Toyota Corolla from the early 2000s.

I enter the seat next to Tenten, she's sitting next to Kiba in the car and Neji is next to Kiba. Sasuke is driving so it must be his car. Sakura is in the passenger with Ino sitting next to her. Two girls one seat, hah. I think I'm funny but I'm lame inside my head. I've never had talked to Neji but he greeted me with a hello.

Sasuke states that our destination is the hot springs, which would be a good idea. 7 teenagers in a small Toyota, this better be worth it. I'm a little dizzy from not having an early day coffee. I feel like saying "Be , Tiffany!" in my head for wanting a coffee.

Sasuke also talks about that not many people go at night plus girls can sneak into the male hot spring - since it's divided.

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