♦shingeki no market - CHAPTER 9♦

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[filler ; you can skip this.]

You wake up to the alarm clock feature on your phone.


You brush the dust off your eyelids and try to exit your blanket thats hugging you to the bed. You escape your bed, slamming your legs onto the floor - arriving to the bathroom doing your daily schedule. Hair, teeth and nails. I realise who I'm looking good for. No one. The mirror reflects of how much a mess you look in the morning. You change into a more everyday look rather than just pyjamas.

***Your POV***

I guess no one can look naturally good in the morning. I'll see if my parents had made breakfast for me yet. I enter the kitchen room, jasmine scent explodes in my face. It gives a homely scent around the kitchen like old times I suppose.

Good, my parents had made breakfast for me. Sticky rice with some cut mango with music blastering on high volume.

"Do you want to go to the markets?" Your old dad suggests an idea of getting out the house on a Saturday. Good idea. Your family sits and eats at the dinner table talking.

"Sure, are you going to come?" I reply to my dad cheerfully.

"No, I thought you could go to fetch some mangos and have fun." My dad adds.

I feel my dad just wants me out the house, but not Kenjie since him and I are unstable compared to our personalities and astrology. Our parents still buy into it.

I agree to my dad.

He shoos me out the house with 20 ryō to enjoy myself at Konoha Markets. I'll probably get mangos and watermelon - maybe scratch the watermelon. I'm frail.

The breeze pushes against my face while walking to the local market. Windy.

Sun on my face, wind flowing through my long hair, music stuck in my head.

Hopefully, I don't become one of those teenagers who loiter at local shopping malls - a mall rat? a mall rat.

Konoha Markets


The place is packed, many people are hovering over all the avaliable stalls to buy things or to look at. I go to the area where the fruit type aisle.

I pick up what I need to get, mangos. I bag around 4 mangos then making a bee line to the cash register.

6 Ryō spent.

I observe the market area after buying mangos. I spot Sasuke and Sakura, they're everywhere, I swear. Sasuke is wearing a black t-shirt and a dark silver vest on top. He's wearing a small necklace with a red and white charm - like on his backpack.

Sakura is wearing a vogue white sun hat with dark red skater skirt and a thin belt. Her loose crop top has black and white inverted polka dots. Sakura has really nice hair extentions on, they suit her hair colour. Sakura has a good fashion sense.

They're at the charm stand, where you buy little charms for necklaces or bracelets. Sasuke gestures with two fingures that he saw me, I raise my eyebrows - acknowledging that I saw his gesture.

Sakura and Sasuke wave to me, I wave back as I continue to browse the stalls. Nothing that appeals to me. I seek out a sweatshirt with a 3D print in one of the stalls, I buy one with cats faces in a galaxy background. It looks rad.

13 Ryō spent.

And one Ryō for a rainy day. I return home with a sweatshirt and fresh mangos for some of the week. I'm happy that Sasuke or Sakura didn't bring up that I was in the bathroom - thank god that they don't know that I know what happened yesterday.

Konoha High School AU ~ Naruto [updated]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang