Part 17

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It didn’t take long for everybody to be ready to go. We all piled into my black Ferrari. This time I was driving with Jamie in the seat next to me, and the others in the back.

Jamie had let out a low whistle when I had led him to the garage where all of my cars where kept.

He had protested when I had tied his hands together before I put him in the car. Although I apologized to him, I thought it was for the best. I still didn’t fully trust him not to do something stupid, and Julia and Chris kept telling me that I should be more careful about securing him. Although I refused to blindfold him. I didn’t think it was necessary anyway. This car also had extra dark tints on the windows; he would not be able to tell where we were.

Once we had finally gotten going, the drive proved to be unexpectedly awkward. Julia sat in the back, brooding because I didn’t listen to her advice about Jamie or let her sit in the front. Chris was also silent, but that wasn’t unusual for him.

After a few minutes I couldn’t take it anymore so I switched on the radio, a song I liked came on so I turned it up and sang along absently. I glanced at Jamie to find him staring at me again,


He shrugged “isn’t this song a bit… modern for you?”

I glared “no way! I love this song! Besides, I’m old not dead!”

“I thought I wasn’t allowed to say that you’re old?”

I smirked “you are not… but I am.”

He frowned “and also, I think you might technically be classed as dead…”

I waved my hand in dismissal; “details!”

After a few minutes of silence he glanced at the dials on the dashboard and his eyes widened.

“Do you realize you are going over a hundred miles per hour?!”

I shrugged “yes”

“Slow down!”


“You’ll get us all killed!”

“Actually in the extremely unlikely event that I was to crash the car, we would probably all be fine. You are the only one who would get hurt.”

“Surprisingly that doesn’t make me feel a whole lot better.”

 I sighed “don’t worry you’ll be perfectly fine, my reflexes are far better than a humans, to me this seems quite slow.”

            He chose not to respond to my last comment, and we lapsed into silence for the next few hours. When we began to near the town I got my phone out and rang David to tell him we were on our way back.

            To my slight disappointment I was forced to slow down again around this point, as the number of cars on the roads increased now that we were nearer to civilization.

            When we finally pulled into the street where the house was, I was surprised to see both David and Anna sitting on the front steps waiting for us. David’s jaw dropped when I pulled into the driveway and stopped to wait for the garage door to open.

            Once I had pulled in and stopped the car I got out and grinned,

“I take it you like the car then?” he nodded mutely. I frowned at Anna; “what is it with guys and cars?” she just shrugged before greeting everybody happily. It didn’t take long for David to snap out of it and join in.

            Julia and Chris nodded to them both before quickly leaving to search the house. I listened carefully; I couldn’t hear anybody else, so I seemed we were safe for now.

            I waited for the garage door to close completely before I when around to the other side of the car and pulled Jamie out. His hands were still tied causing him to glare at me angrily.

 Anna let out a squeak of alarm, and David glared suspiciously. Anna was the first to speak

“What- why is he still here?”

I grinned; “leverage.”


I was saved by the reappearance of the other two. Julia went straight into report mode;

“There have been four different people in the house. They have been in all the rooms, probably searching. But, as far as I can tell they didn’t take anything and there is no one here now.”

I smiled gratefully “Ok thanks. That is not surprising. Once they had established that we had left, there would be no further use for them to stay in the house.”

            I led them all into the sitting room and they all seated themselves around the room. I took Jamie to the adjoining dining room and tied him to a chair carefully. It would be too easy for him to make an escape attempt here if I let him roam freely.

            Once he was secured I went and stood back in the sitting room. I faced Anna and David.

“Have you had any trouble since we’ve been gone?”

Anna shook her head; “No I haven’t seen anything unusual… but I’ve been careful. The only time I left my house was when I went to school, and then I left quickly and got straight on and off the bus.”

David agreed, but I frowned; “apart from now.”

She blushed “Oh yeah… and now”

David interrupted, “but I went to her house and we came together. We were careful. Besides, we had to see what was going on! Do you have a plan?”

Something occurred to me “so I’m guessing that neither of your parents knows that you are here at… 4:15 in the morning then?”

They both shook their heads and I sighed

“Oh well we’ll have to deal with that later… anyway, who says you can be involved in the plan? It will be dangerous. They’ve already proved that they have no problem threatening their own kind.”

I heard Jamie protesting from the other room but I ignored him. David glowered.

“We’re already involved. Anyway, you are our friends. We won’t abandon you when there is trouble.”

Anna heartily agreed and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

“Ok then. So, the plan.”

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