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I know who Emma is. Never in a million years did I think it would be her. Her being here now is causing me pain. Who knows what Jason is doing up there with her. Probably making out and other nasty stuff that Jason I used to do. I bit my lip at how Jason would always su-No, okay. The Emma is here.

Emma is the girl I caught making out with Jason beside the bathrooms four years ago.

I woke up on the concrete for another day. I groaned and didn't even remember falling asleep.

I felt a tap on my arm got scared and turned around with my heart skipping three beats.

"You lied to me," Emma looked at me quickly before turning away.

"What?" I said.

"You said nobody was up there. Jason was though."


"Why would you lie to me?"

"Because I didn't know who you were and didn't want you to get your hopes up."

She just nodded.

"I am sorry for lying though," I told her. She just nodded her head again.

"God, I'm so bored," Emma complained.

"Yeah, not much to do here," I giggled a bit.

"That's the truth," she said. She stood up and walked around. As soon as she stepped into the darkness all the other lights came on. The ceiling lights were so bright it was blinding for a second.

"Did you press something?" I asked.

"No, I just took a step and this happened," Emma explained.

"I've been looking for more lights for ages!" I yelled. "Finally maybe we can find another way out of here! We both went separate ways to search for an exit. There were what seemed like hundreds of windows, but they all had metal bars in front of them and slabs of wood to fit over them perfectly, so no light could get through.

There were two doors. One on my end. One on Emma's end. Mine was unlocked. I started getting really anxious. This could be my way out!

"Emma!" I shouted.

"What?" she yelled.

"C'mere!" When she got to me I pushed open the door.

"Oh my god," she said. I slowly opened the door, trying not to be loud. It kept squeaking but it finally was open just for Emma and I to fit through. We stepped out and the sun devoured us. Everything was so bright. Once I could see clearly, there were multiple buildings around us. It looked to be an old, abandoned factory. I looked straight ahead and there was nothing. Just a dirt road.

"Lets go!" I screamed. I ran straight for the dirt road with Emma closely behind me. Right before we got to the dirt road the siren blared again. I didn't bother looking back. Emma caught up to me and we ran side by side. We didn't look back, just straight to see what was to come. Seconds later, guns going off were heard not too far ahead. I stopped dead in my tracks and Emma just a couple steps in front of me.  

The gun shots were getting closer. Finally I could see the bullets flying at us. There was no way to keep going.

"We have to go back!" I yelled at Emma.

"What!? Are you crazy!? We're finally out and now you want to go back!?" Emma yelled at me.

"Well, I don't want too, but we cant keep going forward! They'll sho-" gun shots cut me off. I didn't bother waiting for Emma. I took of full speed back to the abandoned factory. I left Emma back there, but I could hear her steps running closely behind me. Screams came from us every time a gun went off. Which was about every ten or fifteen seconds.

I was just about to enter when I heard Emma scream. I looked back and saw her lying on the ground clutching her thigh. She was shot. I ran back for her.

"Get on my back!" I shouted. She didn't hesitate. She used on leg to jump up to get on my back. I continued running and was about fifty feet from the door. I pulled on the handle and the door was locked.

"Hell," I said. I turned the the right and found the second door. Locked. I just ran through the maze of buildings. I stopped behind a triangular looking one and sat down. I was panting so hard and I just could not catch my breath.

"How are we going to get inside?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"Are these men going to kill us?"

"I don't know."

"Is Jason going to help us?

"I don't know."

Thankfully she didn't ask another question because I don't feel like talking right now.

"Okay, stay here," I warned Emma. I got up and walked around the building. There was a door on the left side. I reached for the handle and it was unlocked. I went back for Emma and put her on my back again.

"Where are we going now?" she whispered.

"The door here is unlocked," I told her. I went for the handle and felt a sharp pain go up through my left arm. I fell to the ground and hit my left arm on the ground. Emma fell off my back and hit the ground hard on her back. I screamed in pain. I was shot. Right in the elbow. I couldn't bend my left arm at all.

The man who shot me started walking over. He was at least one hundred feet from me. I reached for the door handle with my right arm and swung it open. I grabbed Emma's arm and dragged her in with me. Just as I closed the door the man shot another bullet at me. If I wouldn't have closed the door that second, a bullet would be in my brain right now.

I panted more and breathed heavily.

"Y-you saved me," Emma said. "Thank you!" She pulled me in for a hug.

"I saved the both of us. If that door wouldn't have closed at that moment, we would both be dead right now," I explained.

"I realize that."

"Thank you again."

"Don't sweat it."

I laid down on the concrete floor and got as comfortable as possible. I couldn't get comfortable though. My arm was in so much pain. I looked over to see how Emma was doing. She had taken her shirt off and wrapped it around her thigh where the wound was. I did the same. We both still had out tank tops on.

Emma was sleeping and I laid on the cement staring at the ceiling. The pain has gone down a but from my shirt putting pressure on it.

I'm so tired. Yawn. My eyes began to get heavy. I didn't want to sleep though.

No matter how hard I tried, sleep overcame me.

| a/n |


i love this chapter ongmgmgg it took my two days to write! sorry i didnt update yesterday, i wanted to then i got in a bad mood & just didnt feel like it, but heres chapter ten now! (((: enojoy!

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