The Past

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I looked in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. My blonde hair pulled into a bun, a ruby red dress, and Peggy's red flat shoes she gave me. After my brother and Steve died I've been living with Peggy. She's like a sister. We were going to the Stork club. Howard offered to take us there tonight. Howard was so nice. Steve's old friends were coming too. So was Colonial Phillips. The lovely music played softly. Peggy walked over to the bar while I stayed with Howard and his girlfriend. I looked to Howard as if he were a father. He was so nice. It's been a few months since Steve and Bucky died. Howard has gotten me presents for Christmas and my birthday. His girlfriend his so nice to me. He plans to propose to her next week. The song changed to Route 66 by Buddy Rich. I stood beside Colonial Phillips. Dugan walked over. He's so funny. He pulled me out onto the dance floor and started to dance with me. He picked on me a lot. We swayed to the music.
"You look amazing tonight Mrs Barns" said Union Jack walking over to us with a smile. Gabe Jones joined by his side as did Jim Morita. They were part of Steve's Howling Commandos. Jacques Dernier was sitting at the bar with Peggy. I understood his language since Gabe decided to educate me on other languages. He was French. Dugan let out a hearty laugh as Jack got me in a head lock and he messed up my hair. I stuck out my tongue at him and he chuckled.
"I missed the little angle" Jack said as Jim gave me a red box with a yellow bow tied around it.
"I found these in Steve's old living quarters at the camp. Thought you might want it" Jim said smiling. I opened the box and saw two silver dog tags with the names "Steven Rogers" and "James Buchanan Barns" I felt my eyes water. I threw my arms around Jim and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you" I said smiling. Howard made his way toward us with a smile.
"Mrs Barns I guess I shall see you in the morning for the procedure. I wish you luck tomorrow" Howard said.
"I'm a little nervous but at least I'll be doing it in Steve's honor. It's what he would've wanted" I said smiling as Dugan placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'll see you in the morning Mr Stark."
"Good night Steph" he said leaving with his girlfriend. She was very pretty. The rest of the night we danced and told stories that gave us laughter and sadness. We told about old memories with Steve and Bucky. I had the most memories. The Howling Commandos said about when they were fighting. Peggy said about how she had feelings for Steve. I couldn't blame her, he was good looking. Dugan and Jack had an arm wrestle as me and Jacques were having a conversation that only Gabe understood. After me and Jacques conversation we had to leave since it was getting late. We walked out of the Stork club and got into a taxi. Well separate ones. If we all got into one it'd be squished. I sat beside Dugan and Jack while Peggy sat up front with the driver. I messed with the bottom of my dress. Jack and Dugan were talking about something funny because they both erupted into a hearty chuckle that echoed through the taxi. We got back to me and Peggy's little apartment. Peggy told me to get washed up and ready for bed since I needed to be well rested for tomorrow. I walked back out into the main room. Dugan was asleep on the couch. Probably due to drinking. He'll have a headache in the morning. Jack and Peggy were talking.
"I'm nervous for her. I just hope it won't fail. For all we know they could've got the serum wrong" Peggy said.
"Don't worry Mrs Carter. I'm sure that Stephanie will be fine. She's a strong little girl" Jack said.
"Thank you Jack. You are very kind" Peggy said.
"I try to be. I shall see you in the morning. Tell Stephanie I say goodnight. I guess I'll leave Dugan here. It'll be like dragging an hippo down the stairs" Jack said laughing.
"It is quite alright. And I will tell her" Peggy said as Jack let himself out of the apartment. I walked back to my room and laid down in the soft bed. Peggy came in.
"Jack said goodnight. Goodnight Steph" Peggy said turning off my lamp then started leaving the room, "good luck tomorrow."
I woke up the next morning and changed into a pair of pants and a green button up shirt. I put on Steve and Bucky's dog tags. I fixed my hair and walked out to the kitchen. Dugan was eating breakfast. I couldn't eat anything until after the procedure. We soon arrived at the hidden lab. Howard was waiting. Everyone stopped and stared at me for a while. Then they went back to their work. Colonial Phillips walked over to me and gave me a pat on the back.
"Good luck kid. I expect you out and alive" Phillips said making me smile.
"I'll try sir" I said as Jack, Jim, Gabe, Dugan, and Jacques came over and wished me luck. I walked down the stairs toward the main area. I took off my button up shirt releasing my black tank-top. I took off my shoes and dog tags making sure they were close by. I laid down in the chamber. Howard told them what was happening. I couldn't help but be worried. The nurse stuck a needle in my arm. It wasn't so and. They started doing the other things they did to Steve and soon the doors were closing.
"20%!" I heard Stark yell.
"80%" Howard said as I let out a scream in pain.
"Shut it down!" Peggy yelled.
"No! I can do this!" I yelled as Stark continued.
"100%!" The machine turned off. I felt a little different. The doors slowly opened and a light blinded me. Howard helped me out quickly. Jack, Dugan, Jim, Jacques, and Gabe rushed down the steps as fast as possible.
"You did it angle" Jack said hugging me. I wasn't as strong as Steve was due to the lack of the serum.
"I did it" I said breathlessly. Jim put the two dog tags around my neck with a smile.
"They'd be proud" Jim said. They will always be my best friends.

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