Chapter 2

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 "I'll see you around, Felix," you said as you snatched up your coat. He nodded, still speechless after the confrontation he had just witnessed.

The tavern was quieter now. No one dared speak louder than a whisper, and you could feel the Survey Corps soldiers shooting glances at you as you stormed out of the bar, the gaze of the man in the corner following you all the way to the door. You flushed deeply, and cursed yourself for doing so. Since when did you let yourself become affected by the gazes of creeps you didn't even know? 

The man frightened you. Not many people kept guns anymore, mostly due to their rarity. Most firearms had been seized by the military long ago. Not that guns were any use against Titans. But it wasn't the gun in particular that frightened you, it was the way he held it – confidently, menacingly. You would have said he was probably overcompensating for something, but somehow you couldn't believe that. The way he commanded respect made you shudder. And yet there was something about him... Beneath his cold demeanor he could not be completely unfeeling. He had intervened when you were in an uncomfortable situation. Not many men would have done that.

Your blush crept higher, cheeks flaming as you stepped into the cold night air. It felt glorious, and you closed your eyes, letting the breeze whip through your [h/c] hair. You felt better, back in control. You headed for home along the dark and empty streets.

It seemed quieter than usual. How late was it? Surely no later than midnight, you thought. And yet the streets should have been crawling with drunkards, pissing themselves as they stumbled to their beds, whether that be a nice soft mattress, or a dirty gutter somewhere. You looked up, searching for the moon and some indication as to how late it was, but the sky was clouded and thick with the smoke from thousands of burning hearths.

You shrugged and pulled your coat tightly around yourself, beginning the trek home. As you turned down a side street, you felt eyes watching you from the darkness. You walked faster. You felt a hand catch at your jacket. Damn, not fast enough. Whirling around, you came face to face with the soldier from the bar.

"Where you going, pretty lady?" he said, keeping a tight hold on your jacket. "We didn't get to finish our conversation earlier."

"The conversation was over the second you opened your mouth," you spat back, struggling to free yourself. The soldier only tightened his grip.

He shook his head and clicked his tongue. "Don't be like that," he said, pushing you up against a building and leaning in close. His breath was hot and damp. You gagged as his mouth drew close to yours. He pulled back slightly. "You're no fun," he pouted, looking remarkably like a child with his reddened cheeks.

"Need some help?" said a voice. The soldier froze and you stared over his shoulder to the end of the street. It was the man from the tavern.

You narrowed your eyes, bringing your knee upward with force, right into the soldier's crotch. He dropped to his knees, tears in his eyes. You brought a fist back and connected it with the side of his face, sending him sprawling. He was out cold.

"Told you I could handle it," you said. 

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