Chapter 13

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Even with Levi beside you that night, you could not sleep. Your mind was whirring, ticking over the conversation you had had with Erwin earlier in the evening.

Are you... Happy?

Were you? You turned your head slightly, gaze falling on the sleeping man at your side. His face was peaceful, his breaths coming in shallow puffs that ruffled the ebony hair that fell messily across his face. You felt your heart begin to beat faster at the mere sight of him, a warm feeling in your chest. When it was like this, yes, you were happy. But these moments were oh so rare...

How many of these moments would there be if he joined the Survey Corps? As much as you loved Erwin, those nights you spent sleepless and alone, worrying, praying for his safe return. You didn't want to go back to that. And yet, was that life really so different to the one you lived now? At least Erwin was able to stay with you until morning. You would wake up to his tousled blonde hair and his warm embrace. With Levi, there was only the cold emptiness of the sheets beside you.

You glanced at the window and were surprised to see a tinge of purple in the night sky. It was almost dawn already. You heard a rustling beside you as Levi shifted, pushing the covers back ever so gently so as not to wake you. He pressed a light kiss to your temple before you felt his weight shift from the mattress. You rolled over to watch him.


He froze in the midst of buttoning his pants and looked at you. "You should be sleeping," he scolded gently.

"Can't," you responded sleepily. "Stay with me."

"You know I can't."

"I know," you said sadly. "I was hoping this was a dream, and you wouldn't have to leave."

He sighed and smiled at you warmly. Your heart fluttered as you smiled back sleepily. He walked over to the bed and sat down, cupping your cheek in one calloused hand.

"There is nothing I want more than to stay with you tonight, to wake up to those eyes, and that terrible bed hair." He laughed at the noise of protest you made as he tousled your hair. "But I have business to attend to." He kissed you gently. "I'll be back before you know it. Get some rest."

You nodded, feeling your eyelids begin to droop. Finally, you dozed off.

You awoke to a strange metallic clanking sound emanating from the kitchen. Suddenly wide awake, you dressed quickly and exited the bedroom, treading carefully down the hall so as not to alert the intruder. You gasped when you saw who it was.

"Levi? I thought you had business to take care of?"

He looked around at you and smirked. "I did. I'm done now."

You rolled your eyes, and then let them fall on the object Levi was fiddling with on the table. Your recognised it instantly.

"What are you doing with 3D maneuver gear?" He remained silent. "Levi, did you steal that?!"

He shrugged, sliding one of the gas canisters into place. 

"You realise that stealing from the military is an offense, right?"

He turned to look at you pointedly. "[Name]... I'm a criminal."

"That's no excuse! If anyone finds out about this it could seriously hurt your chances of joining the Survey Corps."

"Wasn't planning on joining anyway," he said, shrugging once again. He strapped the gear around his waist, tightening the leather harness he wore to ensure it was secured correctly. A sudden gleam appeared in his steel blue eyes. "Care to fly with me?" He held out his hand to you.

"Er, do you even know how to use that?" you asked uncertainly.

"I have a vague idea. Can't be too difficult if your ex can do it-"

You glared at him. "You are not getting me in that thing."

"We'll see about that." He took the operating devices in his hands and scooped you up into his arms, before rushing out the open door. You struggled against him but he held you tight as wires shot from the gear at his waist, embedding themselves in a wall and lifting you both into the air. 

You gasped and hid your face in the crook of Levi's neck, expecting to feel yourself tumbling in empty space, but the feeling did not come. Levi laughed softly.

"You really think I'd take you with me if this was my first time flying? It's ok, you can look." And you did.

You were soaring above buildings; the entire town of Zhiganshina looking like it was built from a child's toy blocks. You felt tall, as if you could rival even the height of the walls. This must be how a titan feels.

Levi changed direction, taking you higher and closer to the edge of the city. The wall loomed before you, but still he kept going – up and up, until suddenly you were standing on the wall, still wrapped in his arms as you gazed outward in wonder.

He smiled at the look on your face. "I knew you'd like it," he said, nuzzling your neck.

"It's beautiful," you said, eyes taking in the vast expanse of green and blue.

He took your hand and led you to the edge, where he sat you down. Together you gazed into the horizon.

"I always wondered what was out there, you know?" he said suddenly, surprising you. "For so long I knew that this couldn't be all there was. There's no way a whole world could be confined within just three walls."

You remained silent, watching him curiously. He rarely talked about himself.

"These walls feel like a cage sometimes, claustrophobic almost. I hate that feeling. Maybe that's why I make such a good criminal. There's nothing I wouldn't do to escape this claustrophobia."

"Levi... Are you saying-?"

"That I want to join the Survey Corps? No... I thought I wanted it. That was before I looked down..."

You followed his gaze downward, to the base of the wall. You pressed a hand against your mouth in horror at what you saw waiting for you. They were huge, and grotesque, clawing with hands just aching to crush your bones. You had never seen one before. A titan.

Levi turned to you. "I don't want freedom if it means it could be taken away from me again in a heartbeat... By one of them."

You nodded, understanding. Suddenly a shout came from your left. A soldier bearing the mark of the garrison was hurrying toward you.

"Hey! Civilians aren't allowed up here!"

Levi was quick on his feet. "That's our cue to leave," he said, smirking. "Fly with me?"

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him.


Criminal (Levi x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now