Chapter 9

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He reached [Name]'s house and pounded on the door. After a few minutes it opened to reveal a tired and sullen looking Erwin, his blonde hair tousled from running his fingers through it out of frustration. He snarled when he saw who his visitor was.

"What are you doing here?"

Levi stepped forward slightly so that the light from the kitchen fell on [Name]'s face. Erwin's eyes widened.

"What have you done to her?" he said, voice dark with rage.

"You did this," Levi hissed as he shoved past the great hulk of a man blocking the doorway. He carried [Name] to the bedroom and laid her down gently on the soft covers. Erwin had followed him and now stood in the doorway, watching warily. Levi ignored him.

"Is she okay?" Erwin tentatively asked.

"Tch, she'll be fine. No thanks to you." Levi snapped back. His voice softened a little as he looked at her, sleeping so peacefully it seemed. "She was drinking."

Erwin cursed. "And that's my fault?"

Levi turned to him and eyed with contempt. "Yes," he said simply, returning his attention to [Name]. Before he knew what he was doing, he pushed a strand of [h/c] hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. His fingers lingered against her cheek for a moment before he was torn away from her a shoved roughly against the wall, pinned at the neck by Erwin's muscular forearm. His head hit the wood with a sickening crack, and he could feel warm blood begin to trickle down the back of his neck.

"Don't you touch her," snarled Erwin, his face only centimetres from Levi's. Levi glared at him defiantly, aware that his vision was beginning to swim and that he was steadily leaking blood all over the bedroom floor. When he didn't reply, Erwin released him with an expression of disgust.

"Get out," he spat, seating himself on the bed beside [Name] and reaching for her hand.

"I'm not leaving until I know she's going to be okay," said Levi, glaring at Erwin.

"You said she'd be fine."

"And if she's not, I'm holding you responsible."

"And what will you do, kill me?" said Erwin coldly.

"For starters," replied Levi.

"Do you really think you have the strength? There's not limit to what I'd do for the one I love." Erwin gazed at [Name], a strange expression on his face.

The words rolled from Levi's tongue before he could put a stop to them. "And there's nothing I wouldn't do for her."

Erwin's shoulders stiffened. "How can you say that when you barely even know her? We've been together four years. Four years! The day I asked her to marry me was the happiest in my life. She is my reason to live, my motivation for staying alive. It's for her that I keep fighting so that one day we can live free from fear of those fucking titans. You can't possibly understand the things I'd do for her."

"Maybe I can't, but it doesn't change how I feel."

Erwin sighed, all traces of anger gone. "You really care for her. I understand that. I'm sure if you didn't you would not have brought her back to me."

"I'm staying until she wakes up."

"So be it."

*   *   *   *   *

You woke in the early hours of the morning, your head throbbing, your throat dry and with no memory of the previous night after your fight with Erwin. You could vaguely recall raised voices at some point in the night, but it could have easily been a dream. 

Erwin lay beside you, still fast asleep, his arms encircling you protectively. You guessed that meant you were forgiven. What happened last night?

You yawned and stretched, disentangling yourself from amongst the sheets and the arms of your lover, and made your way to the bathroom where you showered quickly and brushed the foul taste from your mouth. I must have been drinking, you thought. When you returned, Erwin was waiting for you. He sighed with relief and stood to embrace you. You returned the embrace halfheartedly. He may have forgiven you, but you certainly hadn't forgiven him, and no amount of pressing you against his naked chest was going to make you.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said. "Now I can tell that stubborn bastard to leave."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" you pulled back. "Who are you talking about?"

"Go see for yourself. I doubt he'd take my word for it anyway," Erwin huffed

You looked at him, puzzled.

"You really don't remember?" he asked. "That Levi found you and brought you home last night. You were out cold."

Your eyes widened. "Levi?" You could feel your heart beat begin to quicken at the mere mention of his name. 

You quickly dressed and entered the kitchen to find Levi leaning back in a chair, his bare feet propped on the table. He wore only a thin white shirt, half unbuttoned to reveal his pale wiry chest, and loose fitting pants. A blanket was folded neatly on the couch in the living room behind him. He slept here.

Levi's eyes widened as you entered. "I'm glad you're okay," he said.

"Thanks to you," you replied shyly. You noticed a dark stain marked the crisp fabric of his shirt at the shoulder. You frowned. "You're hurt."

Levi gave a short laugh. "Courtesy of your fiancé. Rather possessive, isn't he?"

"Erwin did this? Let me look."

He nodded, watching you closely as you approached him. You notice his hair was matted at the back, knotted with dried blood. You gasped.

"It's not as bad as it looks," he said.

"It looks pretty bad," you gulped.

He grimaced. "Believe me, I've had worse."

"It needs to be cleaned," you said, walking back around to face him. "Do you mind?"

He shook his head. You fetched a bowl, filling it with water, and took a clean cloth from the draw by the sink. Placing the bowl on the table, you wet the cloth and squeezed of the excess water, positioning yourself behind Levi. As you cleaned the wound, you marvelled at the softness of his hair. You had to fight the urge to run your fingers through it. You blushed at the thought.

"Erwin told me you brought me home last night," you said, attempting to keep your mind away from his gloriously smooth hair.

Levi merely grunted.

"Thank you," you said, as earnestly as you could.

Surprised at your gratitude, he tilted his head back to look at you. His steel blue eyes, normally so hard and cold, had softened. You liked that look. Cautiously, you leaned forward and before he could realise what you were doing, you pressed your lips to his. When you broke apart he simply stared at you in wonder, and you smiled back. The smile was wiped from your face, however, when you caught the eye of your fiancé across the room.

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