Chapter 8

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You could hear Erwin calling after you, but it only made you walk faster, wrenching open the front door and slamming it shut behind you. You secretly wanted him to follow you, to grab your hand and whip you around and into his strong arms, to kiss you and say that he loved you. But he didn't, and so you kept walking. You didn't know where you were going and you didn't care, you just needed to get away.

The sky grew dark and the air cool as you walked. A cold breeze brushed over your bare arms and you grimaced at the touch, wishing you had thought to grab your coat. Too late now, you thought. There was no way you were going back to face Erwin.

As you wandered, you passed Felix's tavern, a beacon of light and warmth on the cold and dark street. You had a sudden need for the heat of a flickering fire and a glass of whiskey. Stopping in your tracks, you turned and retraced your steps, pushing open the heavy wooden door. 

You were immediately engulfed with warmth and the familiar smells of beer and sweat. It was busy as usual, but Felix always had time for his favourite customer. You seated yourself at the bar and smiled at him sadly.

"The usual, [Name]?" he asked, his eyes kind. He could tell something was wrong.

"Something a little stronger, thanks Felix," you replied with a sigh.

He nodded and reached for a glass.

"You know what?" you said. "Just give me the whole bottle."

His eyes widened, but he obliged, not daring to question you.

And so you drank, and your thoughts soon became clouded. The noise of the bar quietened to a muffled roar, it patrons becoming nothing more than blurred shapes. You were vaguely aware of men attempting to talk to you, but they soon left you alone when they realised you wouldn't respond, muttering insults under their breath.

You heard the door swing open and felt a rush of cold air on your skin. The room went silent, and you looked up. Even in the state you were in, you knew who he was. You could recognise him even with your eyes closed, you thought. And so you closed your eyes, his image swimming across the insides of your eyelids. Slim figure, pale skin, his ebony hair, parted right in the middle, falling into steel blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" said a voice. His voice.

You only hummed in response, not opening your eyes.

"Look at me," he said, sternly. 

You obliged, opening your eyes and gazing at him with unfocused pupils. Levi looked even more beautiful in the firelight. You giggled at the thought of calling the king of criminals 'beautiful'.

He grimaced and grabbed your chin with rough hands, examining your eyes. He released you.

"Tch, you're drunk," he said.

"Duh," you giggled.

He narrowed his eyes. "I'm taking you home." he said simply, standing and taking hold of your wrist. You protested as he wrestled the bottle out of your grip. "Uh-uh-uh, you've had quite enough of that."

You pouted, and he frowned at you, pulling you to your unsteady feet and dragging you, stumbling from the bar. Once you were both out in the cool air, you planted your feet, stopping his advance. You shook your head.

"I can't go home," you said. "Erwin-"

"What did he do to you?"

You were shocked by the sudden ferocity in his voice.

"Nothing! He was just..."

"What. Did. He. Do?" Levi hissed, grabbing your shoulders.

"We just fought, that's all!"

Seemingly satisfied, he released you. You swayed on your feet without his support. The ground seemed to jerk and heave beneath you.

"Uh, Levi?"

He grunted.

"I-I don't feel so good."

You heard him cursing under his breath as the darkness enclosed you.

*   *   *   *   *

"Uh, Levi? I don't feel so good."

Levi rushed to her side, cursing. He managed to catch her before she hit the ground, encircling her in his arms. She was out cold.

"Damn it!" he said, gathering up her limp body. He gazed at her sleeping face. Gods, she was beautiful. He could feel his breath hitch in his throat as he watched her lips part slightly, remembering what they felt like against his own. He debated what to do with her. He could take her back to his place, but it was a long way away and it was cold. He didn't want her to freeze to death. He had no choice but to take her home.

"Why are you so troublesome?" he growled as he carried her off along the dark street.

Criminal (Levi x Reader) [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ