Chapter 4

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You stood for a moment, stunned, your cheeks flaming. What just happened? You realised your mouth was hanging open slightly and snapped it shut. You could still feel the lingering pressure of Levi's lips upon yours, and you touched them with your fingers, blush deepening. Then you noticed the loose teeth scattered on the pavement, the blood already dry and flaking. 

You snapped out of your trance. No. It was a bad idea to get involved with someone like him. He was a criminal and a wanted man. Besides, you belonged to someone else. Someone who was meant to be home from a mission that night and you had completely forgotten. Uh oh.

You suddenly realised it was late. Very late. "Shit," you groaned as you gathered your thoughts and started out for home along the cold and empty streets. You hoped to God that when you arrived home he was asleep. You didn't think you could face him in your current state. But he was stubborn, and you just knew he would be waiting up for you.

You reached your house, but didn't enter. No lights were on, but you knew that did not mean he wasn't waiting for you, a scowl on his face for keeping him up. You knew there would be a fight, there usually was. At least the make-up sex would be amazing.

You steeled yourself and unlocked the door, letting it swing inward. You stepped inside, and closed and locked it quickly behind you. It was dark inside, but you could see the outline of a figure seated at the dining table in the small kitchen.

"Welcome home," said a familiar voice.

You gasped. "Levi?! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well I was going to rob you, but you appear to have nothing of value. So I thought I'd steal a kiss instead."

Levi stood and strode over to you. "Miss me?" he growled as he pushed you against the wall and attacked your mouth with his own. You struggled against him, pushing on his chest, his hard muscles flexing beneath your fingers as he pushed his body against yours. Realising you weren't responding, he pulled back.

"What's wrong?" he smirked. "Forgotten me already? I really thought I'd made a lasting impression." 

"Levi," you said sternly, lowering your voice. "Did you follow me home? Did you break into my house?!"

"Something like that," he replied. He leaned in again but you stopped him with a hand over his mouth.

"No, you don't understand. You can't be here. My-"

"[Name]?" said a low voice, husky from sleep. "You're home late. I tried waiting up for you but-"

The man stopped dead, eyes focusing on the two figures in the gloom.

"What the-?" he said, suddenly angry. He lunged forward pulling Levi from you and hurling him to the floor. "What are you doing in my house?"

Levi looked up at the man towering about him and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Well," he said. "This is unexpected."

"Levi," you said coolly. "I'd like you to meet Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps, my fiancé." 

Criminal (Levi x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now