Chapter 6

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You awoke to soft kisses, trailing up and down your arm. You swatted him away in annoyance, but that only made him more insistent. You laughed as he flipped you over and kissed you full on the mouth.

"Morning," you yawned.

"Good morning," he smiled.

He gave you one final peck on the lips before swinging his legs out of bed and rummaging for his uniform. You settled down beneath the covers, watching him with half lidded eyes. The morning sun caught his refined figure, tall and muscled, in all its naked glory, his blonde hair tousled from sleep. Thin lines of bruises circled his legs and waist, the impact of using 3D maneuver gear almost every day.

He saw you watching and threw his shirt over your eyes, amused. "What are you looking at?"

You laughed and let him dress in peace, occasionally peeking when you were sure he wasn't watching.

As he donned his jacket, his expression turned serious. You knew that when he spoke, it would no longer be Erwin talking, but the Commander. You sighed, knowing your fun was over. He gave you a quick kiss and a curt goodbye and began to leave. He stopped at the door.

"[Name]," he said. "When I get home, we'll talk about last night."

You nodded reluctantly, and then you were alone once again. The memories from last night flooded back to you and you blushed at the thought of Levi's insistent mouth on yours, his wiry form beneath your hands. You shook your head, as if the action would erase the thoughts. No. It was best if you just forgot about him. Not like you'd ever see him again after last night's confrontation anyway...

You sighed and settled back into the pillows. It was so early and you were so sleepy... You drifted off.

When you awoke, the sun was high in the sky. You refused to open your eyes until you heard a soft rustling beside you. You opened them blearily and instantly met cold grey-blue irises, watching you curiously. Was this a dream? He looked so lovely in the sunlight, his ebony hair shining, in contrast with his pale skin. A shallow cut marked his lip, a reminder of last night.

"Good morning," said Levi. "Sleep well."

Realization hit you and you were suddenly fully awake. You scrambled back from him, clutching the bed clothes to your chest.

"What are you doing here!?" you hissed angrily, swinging your free fist at his face. He avoided you easily and rolled off the bed, smirking. "Are you stupid? Why did you come back!?"

"Well, I had nothing bet-"

"OUT," you shouted. "GET OUT, NOW!" You threw a pillow at his face, which he ducked with ease.

"Feisty in the mornings, aren't you?"

You flung yourself out of bed, ready to kick his ass, but you suddenly stopped as you caught him staring at you, amused. What? And then it hit you. You blushed scarlet as you remembered you were naked. Before you could react, he was standing before you, eyes dark with a hunger.

"Well now..." he said, softly.

*   *   *   *   *

Levi watched the blonde-haired commander close the door behind him and set off down the street. When he was sure that he had gone and would not return, Levi darted from house to house, keeping to the shadows, until he reached the right one. He tested the door. Locked, of course. The commander wasn't stupid.

He crept around the back, and to his surprise, a window had been left unlocked. He smirked and proceeded to carefully turn the latch and heave himself inside. 

He found her sleeping peacefully, her [h/c] hair fanned out on the pillow behind her. He lay down beside her, and watched her sleep. He had no idea why he felt so drawn to her, why he kept abandoning all reason just to see her again. She was pretty, that was true, but he knew that was only part of his attraction. She was strong. Yes, that was it. Her strength reminded him of someone...

[Name] opened her eyes and looked at him sleepily.

"Good morning. Sleep well?"

And before he knew it, her fist was fast approaching his face. He ducked just in time, rolling from the bed. She was yelling at him, but he was barely listening.


A pillow sailed towards his head, but he avoided that too.

"Feisty, aren't you?"

Her face was pure rage as she leaped from her bed, intending to rain blows down upon him, he was sure. But she had forgotten one thing.

He stared at her, taking in her soft skin, the curve of her breasts. Unable to control himself, he strode forward until he stood in front of her. He could feel his heart beat quickening.

"Well, now..."

Her hand reached up to slap him, but he caught her by the wrist. She anticipated it, however, and before he could react her other hand caught him full in the face with a loud clap. Pain exploded across his cheek and he stepped back involuntarily, stunned.

[Name] was glaring at him angrily, her fist rising for another blow. He held up his hands in surrender.

"Alright. Obviously, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning."

"Get out," she said, her voice low. She was mad.

Realising he had crossed a line, he lowered his head in defeat. Anger boiled under his skin, threatening to release itself, but he had done enough damage already. Without a word, he turned on his heel and left, leaving her glaring angrily after him.

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