Chapter 15

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You awoke to a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach, a churning, nauseating sensation that had you in a cold sweat. Struggling into a sitting position, you glanced over at Levi, still fast asleep in the bed beside you.

He really did stay the whole night...

You smiled at him, admiring the tousled state of his hair, the way his wiry chest rose and fell with each steady breath from his sightly parted lips. However, the smile was short lived as a wave of dizziness overcame you and your stomach lurched dangerously. You bent over, clutching your abdomen, waiting for it to pass.

Am I sick?

Careful not to disturb Levi, you slipped from between the covers and raced down the hall to the bathroom, arriving just in time. You clutched the edge of the toilet bowl, hands white and shaking as you emptied the contents of your stomach. Thankfully, you had not eaten yet.

Your body shaking, your face pale, you collapsed in a heap of limbs to the side, leaning your head against the cool wall. You felt hot, and yet your skin was covered in goose bumps, and you shivered as miniature waves of nausea rolled over you.

"[Name]?" called a sleepy voice from the hall. You gave a weak reply and Levi entered, confusion written across his face.

"What are you doing? Come back to-" He stopped, noticing how pale you had gone, and the shivers that wracked your body. Alarmed he rushed to your side, kneeling down and gripping you face in his hands.

"What is it? Are you alright?"

You nodded, wincing as you suppressed another wave of nausea. "I... I think I'm okay now... I must have caught something, or maybe I ate something bad..."

Levi looked concerned. "You should see a doctor." 

"I'm fine, really," you insisted, clambering to your feet as if to prove a point. A doctor was the last person you needed to see. You could not face the confirmation of your suspicions. Not now.

"I'm fetching a doctor," Levi declared, rising to his feet and exiting the room. You heard the sounds of him gathering his clothes and boots, preparing to leave.

"I don't need a doctor. I feel fine." You followed him into the bedroom, trying your hardest to quell the shaking in your limbs.

"You don't look it. You're as pale as a ghost, [Name]. Go back to bed, I'll return soon." He pecked you on the cheek, pulling his coat about his shoulders.

"Are you sure it's safe for you to be out?"

"I have my ways of remaining invisible. Bed. Now." He took hold of your shoulders and gently pushed you back into bed, pulling the covers over your shivering form.

"I'm not a child," you muttered as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm well aware. Now shut up and go back to sleep. I love you." He left without another word, leaving you alone once again with the bitter taste of bile on your tongue, burning the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, the nausea returning.

What am I going to do?

Ignoring Levi's orders, you hauled yourself out of bed once more, returning to the bathroom. You stood before the mirror above the sink, examining your face. Levi had been right, you were as pale as a sheet, a thin film of sweat coating your skin.

You turned the tap, letting the cool water pool in your cupped hands before splashing it over your face. Pulling your hair back from your forehead, you gasped as the freezing liquid ran down your face in rivulets, washing away the nausea and the anxiety. You stared at your reflection.

"What am I going to do?" you asked it. It merely stared back without saying a word, as expected. You sighed, and bent to rinse your mouth, washing the foul taste from your tongue, before returning to bed, where you curled up into a ball beneath the covers and waited for Levi to return.

You had drifted off, and when you awoke a few hours later, Levi was shaking you gently.

"[Name], Doctor Jaeger is here to see you."

You slowly sat up as the doctor entered and sent Levi from the room. He protested, but reluctantly gave in to the doctor's demands, shutting the door tightly on his way out.

"I'm going to need to run some tests [Name]..."

*   *   *   *   *

When Levi was allowed back in half an hour later, you were sitting with your knees pulled up to you chin, your back against the headboard of the bed. You looked up as he entered your expression blank. He could tell you were in shock.

Doctor Jaeger excused himself, giving the two of you some privacy.

"It is that bad?"

"Hm? No... It's not bad... I'm not sick."

Levi visibly relaxed, sitting beside you and pulling you into his arms. "That's a relief to hear." He kissed your forehead.

"Care to tell me what's wrong then?"

You hesitated. How will he react to this? "I'm pregnant, Levi."

Levi froze, his arms stiffening around you. He released you from his embrace, and he shifted away slightly. "I see... How far along?"

You hesitated again, and Levi seemed to see the reluctance in your eyes. His face darkened. "It's not mine."

"I don't know," you admitted.

Levi stood abruptly, turning to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I need some time to think." And with that he was gone. Again. Like so many time before. You felt tears roll down your cheeks as you asked yourself: 

Will he come back this time?

*   *   *   *   *

The room was dark, barring a single candle that illuminated a desk scattered with papers. They bore numbers and letters, most meaningless to Levi, and yet he recognised some. Words and dates jumped out at him, familiar yet strange.

Death records.

"What made you change your mind?" asked the blonde man seated behind the desk, chin propped up on interlaced fingers, brilliant blue eyes devoid of emotion.

"Things changed. I... I need to make things right."

"What happened?"

Levi shifted uncomfortably, grimacing. "[Name] is pregnant."

"Congratulations. You'll make a wonderful father." Levi knew he did not mean it. He could practically hear the venom injected into each word. "How far along?"

"Eight weeks."

Erwin's eyes widened, the first emotion Levi had seen him display since the night they had met. Deep in thought, he slowly took in this information.

"Well, it seems we need to have a talk, man to man."

Criminal (Levi x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now