Chapter 10

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Levi smirked. "Well, that's my cue to leave." He snatched up his coat and boots, and before you could protest he was out the door, giving you one last lingering look before he disappeared.

You watched him go, leaving you to the mercy of your fiancé. You turned to look at him, guilt written across your face. To your surprise, he didn't seem angry, just sad.

"You love him." It wasn't a question.

You swallowed and nodded, casting your eyes to the floor. "I tried to deny it, but..."

Erwin sat down heavily with a sigh. He remained silent for a time, deep in thought. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft.

"I never thought it would end like this. Hell, I thought I would die before it even ended at all. I suppose it's better this way, though. No more worrying about whether I'm going to come back to you alive or in pieces."

"Erwin, I-" you began, but he cut you off.

"He can protect you better than I can. He can be there when you need him to be. That's something I could never do, not as long as the Titans still live."

Tears were streaming down your face as you pressed your hand to your mouth to suppress a sob. Erwin stood and wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close for a moment before leaving you to sink slowly to the floor.

He packed his possessions. By the time he had finished, it was growing dark and your tears had dried on your face.

"[Name]?" he said, kneeling beside you. You looked at him. "It's not too late to change your mind."

"I've made my decision," you said. Erwin nodded sadly and gave you one last lingering kiss on the cheek, before standing and heaving a heavy bag onto his shoulder. He left you there, on the kitchen floor, alone and numb.Was it the right decision?

A knock sounded on the door, snapping out of your trance. How long had it been? An hour? Three? The sky outside the window was dark as pitch. A voice called out.

"[Name]?" You recognised it instantly.

Your breath hitching in your throat, you sprang to your feet, almost running to the door. You threw it open, and there he was.

"Levi," you breathed, and before he knew it you had pulled him inside and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He seemed shocked when you broke apart, then he smiled.

"Finally," he growled, pulling you close and crushing his lips against yours. 

He pushed you up against the door, his kiss deepening. You arced your body against his, running you fingers through his silken ebony hair, causing him to gasp against your mouth. You slid his coat from his shoulders, letting it fall the floor in a crumpled pile, soon joined by your shirt which he had slid carefully over your head, fingers skimming softly up your sides. He nipped gently at your bottom lip, asking entrance, and you obliged, letting his tongue explore you mouth. You moaned against him and hastily began unbuttoning his shirt, your shaking fingers brushing his pale muscled chest as you worked your way down, before it too was discarded on the floor. Levi began trailing kisses across your jaw and down your neck, pausing at intervals to give you a soft bite, each one causing you a small pang of pleasure.

"You're mine now," he purred, his teeth grazing your collarbone. He reached around and unhooked your bra, letting it fall away from you, before continuing his way south to your breasts, where he stayed a while, tasting the salt on your skin. You threw your head back and moaned, finger entangled in his hair. You could feel him smiling against your skin, and he continued downward until he was kneeling in front of you. With deft hands, he undid the button on your jeans and slid them slowly down your legs, followed by your underwear. You shivered as your skin became exposed to the cool night air. He stood and kissed you again, softly this time.

"You're beautiful," said Levi, eyes drinking in every inch of you, his voice husky with desire. You blushed. Without warning, he picked you up bridal style, laughing at the small yelp you made, and carried you to the bedroom in his arms.

Levi placed you carefully on the bed, and began unlacing his boots with swift fingers, his eyes never leaving you. You rolled onto your side and propped yourself up on your elbow, watching him through half lidded eyes. His breath hitched at the sight of you, and he began working faster, his desire visibly growing. 

In moments, the boots were discarded, and he unbuttoned his pants. The second they were gone, he lowered himself onto you, a low growl escaping his throat as he positioned himself between your thighs. He paused and looked at you.

"I've wanted this since I first saw you," he whispered, burying his face in your neck, skimming his teeth across your flushed skin. 

You cupped his face and brought it close to your own so that your [e/c] eyes could meet his blue-grey ones. "Then what are you waiting for?" you said.

And with that he thrust into you, agonisingly slow, your nails digging into his back as you pulled him closer to you, further into you. He began a pace, slow at first then steadily speeding up until you were both panting, moaning, begging for more...

You could feel yourself being pushed higher and higher, until you couldn't take it anymore. "Levi," you groaned, feeling a deep flush creep over you face and chest and your stomach tighten. Levi moaned, wrapping his arms about you and lifting you onto his lap, thrusting one last time as you both released.

You clutched at him, breathing hard, stroking his soft hair. He rested his cheek against your chest and smiled. He surprised you by whispering an "I love you, [Name]".

Your face broke into a smile. "I love you too."

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