Chapter 17

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6 Months Later...

"You didn't have to come see me off. You should be at home in bed."

The two of you were standing at Shiganshina gate, awaiting the order to depart. You clung to each other protectively, apart from the crowd to avoid any prying eyes. You dreaded the moment when you would be forced to part yet again, and begin the cycle of worrying and fretting all over. 

You glared at him. "Levi, I'm pregnant, not sick. The exercise will do me good." You looked down at your swollen belly, hand brushing it unconsciously, a dazed look in your eyes. You sighed. "One more month..."

A pained look crossed Levi's face. "I wish I could be there for the birth."

You gave a short laugh. "Be glad you won't be there! I hear it's rather gruesome."

The corner of his mouth twitched and he pulled you against him, wrapping his arms about you gingerly, as if you might break if he held too tight. "Don't say that. You know I would never leave your side if I had the choice."

"I know..." you hummed. "And you know you can hug me properly. I'm not made of glass!"

He chuckled, a pulled you in tighter. "I know..."

You pulled back and looked him in the eye. "Now stop worrying. It's bad for the baby." You smirked and he raised an eyebrow at you.

"I could say the same for you," he said, pulling you against him once more, this time to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, one you wished would never end. But alas, it did, the sound of bells tolling the hour interrupting your private moment. You broke apart reluctantly, the taste of him lingering on your lips.

He grimaced. "Time to go." He took your hands in his. "When I return I'll take some time away from the military and we can be a family. And finally have that wedding you keep nagging me about."

You hit him lightly on the arm, pretending to be hurt. "I don't care about that. Just make it home alive, okay?"

He squeezed your hands gently and kissed your forehead. "I promise."

With one last lingering touch and a regretful gaze, he left to mount his horse, his face now solemn and determined. You caught the eye of Erwin near the head of the formation. Please, bring him back to me alive, your expression said, your eyes pleading. He glanced away, his expression grim, but you saw him give the tiniest nod before the call was given to open the gates, and then they were gone in a flurry of hooves and evergreen cloaks.

The gates were lowered once more and you let out your pent up breath, silently praying to Maria, Rose and Sina that they would both return home safe. You turned away and began the short trek back home to wait out the days.

It was still early morning, and you had awoken long before dawn thanks to your unborn child's restless kicking. Unable to find sleep again, you had simply watched Levi doze until he had awoken to scold you for not getting enough sleep. Why don't we switch places then and see how you sleep when you need to pee every five minutes! you had retorted.

You chuckled quietly at the memory and soon you were yawning as you settled yourself into the large armchair by the empty hearth. You stared into the grate while trailing your hand across your stomach absent-mindedly.On more month...

As you drifted off, a dream played in your head. You held the hand of a small child whose appearance seemed to shimmer and change with each flutter of the wind. Sometimes it was a small girl with hair black as ebony, others it was a blonde boy with eyes of brilliant blue. And sometimes you recognised the [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes as your own.

You led the child through grey streets, monochrome houses in perfect lines on either side until you reached the wall. The gate was raised as high as it could go and outside there was only vibrant green and blue meeting in the hard line of the horizon.

The child ran forward toward the light and the warmth. You tried to keep up but soon fell behind and you lost sight of the small figure as it disappeared into the distance. You stood at the gate, searching frantically, but unable to step across the threshold. Then the gate slammed shut with the sound of thunder and you woke with a start to find the orange light of dusk creeping through your window.

How did I manage to sleep so long?

You struggled to your feet only to fall back into the chair as the ground lurched beneath you, the crack of a lightning bolt sounding from the south. A storm? On a day like this? A short glance out the window left you confused. The sky was clear except for a handful of fluffy white clouds, and a pillar of pale smoke that rose from beyond the wall.

What is happening?

Your question was soon answered as a set of colossal, steaming fingers appeared over the top of the wall, redder than the evening sky, and attached to a creature you had seen only in your nightmares. 

Your eyes widened in horror as the walls that had held for a hundred years suddenly came crumbling down...

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