Chapter 7

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You drummed your fingers against the kitchen table as you waited for Erwin to arrive home. You had been in a foul mood all day thanks to that asshole, Levi. You blushed again as you remembered his eyes on your naked body, and your palm stung with the memory of the blow you had dealt him. You hoped that he wasn't too angry with you. The thought of what he could do to you... You shuddered.

Immediately after he had left, you had checked and double checked every lock on every window and door, though you doubted that would stop him if he was determined enough. Erwin was there at night if something happened, but during the day? Levi was strong, stronger than you, and you had special training from the Commander of the Survey Corps himself. You doubted you'd be able to hold him off for long.

You glanced at the window. The sun was just beginning to set, casting soft orange light into the small kitchen. Erwin would be home soon, a confrontation you were not looking forward to. You debated whether to tell him about this morning's events, but that would only make him angrier, so you decided against it. You hoped Levi wouldn't have the nerve to bother you again, although you felt a small disappointment at the thought of never seeing again. There was just something about that man...

The scraping of the lock snapped you back into reality. Uh oh. Erwin entered, looking exhausted.

"Long day?" you asked.

He nodded and you stood to welcome him with a kiss and an embrace. He nuzzled your neck and breathed in deeply.

"I'd kill for a shower and a hot meal right now," he said. "But you owe me an explanation."

You drew back and frowned slightly.

"Does it really matter now?" you asked. "I doubt he'd have the nerve to show up here again after the scare you gave him last night."

"Bastard was lucky I didn't break his teeth," he snarled. "And I highly doubt the most feared thug within the walls is scared of much."

"He may not be frightened, but he's definitely not stupid. He knows he can't stand up to you."

"But what about when I'm not here, [Name]? What happens if you're attacked during the day, or while you're out?"

You remained silent, your thoughts flashing back to this morning.

Erwin placed his hands on your shoulders and looked down into your face. "I've been asked to move back to the barracks, so I can be closer to help train the new recruits. I've been given permission for you to move with me. This way you'll be surrounded by soldiers around the clock, and I won't have to worry ab-"

"What? Are you trying to monitor me? I'm not a child, Erwin!"

"I know that, but-"

You continued, the words coming out in a snarl. "Do you want to know what happened last night? At the bar? One of your soldiers got drunk and decided that fucking the Commander's fiancé would be a nice little challenge for him. It was Levi who stopped him."

Erwin looked surprised for a moment, then angry. "What was this soldier's name?" His voice wavered with barely restrained anger.

"No idea. Guess he was too concerned with trying to shove his tongue down my throat," you spat.

"The second I find out who it was, I'll kill him," hissed Erwin. "In the meantime, I want us to relocate to the barracks."

"Well I'm not stopping you," you said as you spun on your heel and stormed out.

Criminal (Levi x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now