Chapter 16

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"Well, it seems we need to have a talk, man to man."

Neither man spoke, the silence stretching out between them while the candle flickered and burned ever lower. Levi stood by the door, arms folded across his chest, back to the wall and head hung low, concealing his face in shadow. Erwin simply watched him with cold blue eyes, face expressionless.

"Eight weeks..." Levi flinched as Erwin broke the silence, sensing the barely restrained emotion his voice. Whether it was surprise or rage, he could not tell, though he suspected it was both. Blue eyes swivelled his way, boring into his skull.

"Is it mine?"

"She doesn't know. It could be either of us."

Erwin's lips pressed together in a hard line. "So you did sleep with her. Tell me, did she at least have the decency to wait until we were over, or were you fucking her already?"

Levi launched himself of the wall, teeth bared and fists clenched, a feral growl ripping his throat. Erwin stood, placing his hands calmly on the desk before him, meeting Levi's savage gaze with squarely, stopping him in his tracks. He spoke without so much as a quiver of his voice.

"Or did you rape her the night you met her?"

"BASTARD!" Levi roared "How can you say that?! I love her!"

"If you truly loved her you would have left her alone. Did you really think she'd be happy with the life of a criminal?" Erwin hissed.

Levi glared at the soldier, his breath ragged. Oh how he wanted to kill this man, wanted to tear his throat out for hurting [Name]. But he knew she would never forgive him. He forced himself to relax, hands falling limply at his sides.

"I know she's not happy..." he said softly. "Which is why I'm here."

"Ah yes, your change of heart. You told me last we met that you wanted nothing to do with the military." Erwin's watched the shorter man curiously, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Circumstances changed."

Erwin eyes flashed. "What makes you think we would accept you now, after you so rudely refused us?"

Levi knew the man was toying with him. Erwin knew all too well that the futures of [Name] and her unborn child rested in his hands, that his decision could mean the difference between a life of comfort for her or a life of ruin. But Levi also knew that Erwin would never risk the well being and safety of the woman he loved, especially since discovering she may be carrying his child. Levi knew without a doubt that the young Commander could only accept his proposal.


A look of surprise passed the blond man's face as his name passed between those lips – the first emotion he had let slip past his mask.

"I love her, and you're right – she deserves better than this... I'm sure you'll agree that the wife of a soldier is a much more respectable position."

"She could have had that with me, and yet she threw it away for a lowly thug. What makes you think she won't do the same to you?"

Levi held his chin high as he met the Commander's gaze with conviction. "Because I won't just be a husband, I'll be a father. You had your chance and I promise you, you won't get another. No matter which of us is the father, I will raise that child as my own and I will give them the life they deserve."

Erwin remained silent, contemplative. Levi continued.

"And I promise you, I will become stronger. Strong enough to protect them, strong enough to survive so that one day I can show them the world outside this cage we call a home," he hissed.

Levi stood there, panting slightly, glaring at Erwin as he sat back in his seat, his head resting on interlaced fingers. He sighed, the sound of a man defeated. When he spoke his voice shook and cracked, his mask shattering under the other's words to reveal a man suddenly much older, weariness etched on his brow.

"I believe congratulations are in order then." He opened the top draw of his desk and pulled out a pile of brown cloth, tossing it to Levi. Levi was surprised to see the embroidered blue and white wings of freedom.

"Welcome to the Survey Corps."

*   *   *   *   *

You were lying curled up in bed as you waited for him to return, tears running down your cheeks in what had been an endless stream for days. Your hormones had not been helping in the least either. On minute you were angry, telling yourself you never wanted to see him again, the next you were begging him to come back and wrap you in his arms and never let you go.

You got your wish as you felt a pair of warm, muscular arms encircle you, his lips brushing your face and your hair. You hugged him back tightly in your relief, the tears coming harder than before. He hummed gently, stroking your hair.

"I'm sorry," he said simply, and you hugged him tighter, burying your face in his chest. "I needed time to think, to sort out my emotions."

"And?" you asked tearfully.

"And I'm ready to be whatever you need me to be. A father, a lover... A husband, if that's what you want."

He picked up a bundle of clothes from the bed beside him and offered them to you. Your eyes widened as you saw the insignia.

"And a soldier."

"You accepted the offer..."

Levi nodded, averting his gaze. "It'll be difficult, and... I won't be around as much as you may like... But our child will have a future."

"Our child..." you smiled at the thought. "But... What about Erwin?"

"He gave up the chance to have a family with you. I don't care if the kid's his, I'm not giving you up for anything. I love you, [Name]."

"I love you too, Levi."

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