First Date?

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Malia's POV

"So I'm a werewolf?" I ask.

"Yeah. Well werecoyote." He responds fiddling with his fingers.

"What exactly is that?"

"Um- Hold on let me- Uh, google it." What is google?!

I scoff and punch him on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He yells. "Yo-You need to manage your strength." We both spend a couple minutes laughing. "Hey, want to get out of here? I'm pretty hungry." He questions.

"Uh-Sure." I answer. "But, uh-" I motion my hands to my body. I still had his shirt on and my other clothes were dirty.

"Oh. Um-Here." He announced walking into his bathroom. He comes out with a pair of denim shorts, a red shirt, and grey cardigan.

"I guess I really did spend a lot of time here." I murmured. He handed me the clothes and I quickly changed in his bathroom.

"How does mexican sound?" He asked.

"Um, Okay?" I answer in more of a question. I picked up his shirt from the floor and opened up the door. "Here." I stated holding out his shirt.

He mumbled an inaudible "Thanks." and walked downstairs. I followed him. "So are there more?" I question.

"More of what?" He retorted.

"People like me?"

"Oh, yeah. You'll meet them soon." He admitted.



"These taste so good!" I exclaimed.

"Their called 'Tacos'." He explained.

"Well I think I could eat tacos everyday."

"Wait 'till you taste pizza."

"The name is making my mouth water." I laugh.

"Drink some." He suggests moving the cup of soda closer to me.

"Thanks." I answer taking a big gulp. I then feel a shock of pain shooting around my body. Stiles quickly reacts by taking my hand and pulling me out of the restaurant. He throws down a twenty dollar bill and pushes me towards his car. I howl. I howled?! I get into his car and begin breathing heavily. "Where. Are. We. Going." I say in between breathes.

"Somewhere you won't hurt anyone." He answers speeding up a bit more. I could hurt someone?


Stiles' POV

"Thanks again Lydia." I announce. Lydia let us use her lake house for Malia.

"Just don't let her wreck anything." She responds.

"Stiles?" Malia growls and Lydia and I turn around.

"Oh-uh, okay." I stutter grabbing her arms and taking her to the basement. I quickly chain her to a wall and stand back.

"I think you should go." She states.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"But I might hurt you."

"No. No you won't. I know you won't."

"But I want to." She was fully transformed and pulling at her chains.

"No, Malia. That't just the moon talking. You can't let it control you."

"No. I want to snap you between my hands." She answers with a growl.

"Malia. I'm going to show you how much I trust you." I reluctantly say. I carefully move towards her. She tries to grab me but the chains hold her back. I slowly unlock the chains and step back. She then runs towards me. Before she can do any damage I grab both her wrists and make her look me in the eyes. She then slowly transforms back to normal.

"H-How did you do that."

"I-I don't know." I respond still shocked at what I did.

She then pulls me into a warm embrace.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me." She whispers. I still hold her when she lets go but she didn't mind. Why didn't she mind?


"Malia." Kira exclaimed and hugged her. She quickly moved because she knew Malia didn't remember her. "Sorry." She mumbled.

Malia just smiled. "Kira," I began while pointing at Kira "is a kitsune."

"What is that?" She whispered.

"She's pretty much a fox." I whisper back. "Lydia is a banshee. She predicts death. Kind of like a psychic." She nods in understanding. "And this is Scott, Isaac, Matthew, Grayson, Liam and Dawn. They're all werewolves."

"Hi." She states.

"Malia we know you can't remember us but we care about you. We always will." Scott tells her.

"Thanks but I'm dangerous. I almost killed him." She exclaims pointing at me.

"Nothing a little training can't fix." A voice said. We all turned to the source of the sound and it was none other than Derek Hale.

"Derek." He says holding out his hand. Malia nervously shakes his hand.

We'll get her back. I know we will.


Hi everyone! Well I want to start with a huge thank you to @vyyluu. She made the covers for all three of my ten wolf books. Thank you so much! And I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! - Kat❤️

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