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Stiles POV

"Malia?" I called out walking up stairs. When I didn't get a response I yelled. "Malia?!" She still didn't answer.

"Stiles?" I heard from downstairs. As I raced down the endless steps to see who it was a face emerged into view.

"Scott. What?" I answer, disappointed it wasn't Malia.

"Have you seen Malia?" he asked.

"She's probably asleep." I respond sluggishly walking back up the stairs. He quickly followed but was a couple steps behind. When I arrived outside my bedroom door I gently pushed it open. Scott was still around the middle of the stairs. When I walked in I almost screamed at the view in front of me. There were scratches everywhere. My room was a mess. Seconds later Scott was at my side. He whispered something but I managed to hear.

"The desert wolf."


"Are you sure she was taken by this 'desert wolf'?" My dad asks after we explain what had happened.

"Yes. Her mother." I respond with the regular hand movement.

"Her mother?" He almost shouts giving me a questioning look.

"Well I guess she takes 'I wish you never born' to a whole new level." Isaac says behind me.  I turn and give him a stern look. He casually whispered to himself. "Yeah, uh, not funny. Got it."

"Do you have any idea as to where she would take her?" My dad begins interrogating again.

"Not really." I sigh rubbing the back of my neck.

"I can maybe try and catch a scent." Scott suggested.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Dad, it'll work. Trust me."

"Trust you?"

"Trust Scott?"

"Scott, I trust. 'Cmon lets find something of hers." My dad finishes as he walks away with Scott.I stand behind him with a bewildered look on my face. Isaac quietly laughs and leaves the room. I catch up to them and Isaac is still laughing.

"Really funny is it?"

My dad drove back home and the rest of us took my jeep.

"Here." I state giving Scott one of her t-shirts.

"I need something stronger." He answers.

"Um, Here." I exclaim grabbing the pillow she usually sleeps with. He takes a big whiff.

"This will work."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Stiles, I'm going to be working late at the station. Please try and keep him out of trouble." He tells Scott while grabbing hold of my shoulder.

"Do you have something?" I ask once my dad left the room.

"Yeah." We swiftly run back to my jeep, Isaac trailing behind. We drove for a while with Scott's head out the window, six right turns and four left, we finally arrived at a empty looking building.

"Is this it?"

"Yeah." he responds with a tremble in his voice. We carefully inspect all the sides of the building for a door.

"Is there even a door around here?!"

"Yup." Isaac answers staring at something with Scott. I look over their shoulders to see, indeed, a door.

"Great. Awesome." I mumble as Scott opens the it. I peer inside to see a long dark hallway. Yeah, this is going to be really hard.

Malia POV

My eyes slowly began opening and I took in my surroundings. I wasn't in Stiles room. No, I was far from there. I looked around the room to see I was alone. That is until I heard a door open and close, and feet walking down some stairs. I looked in the direction of the sounds to see a women. A women who really resembled me.

"You're awake." She said coldly.

"Who are you?!" I shouted showing my eyes.

"Oh honey, calm down. You're no match for me." She laughed and that got me even more angrier. I growled and stayed opposite from her as she circled the room.

"Who are you?"

"Now, don't give that attitude to your mother." Mother?

"You're the desert wolf." I whispered but she obviously heard.

"Indeed I am." She growled.

"What do you want with me?"

"I want you dead!" She shouts and jumps on me. I quickly react by slashing her with my claws. She quickly pushed my down and began trying to cut me with her own claws, but I dodged everyone. I punched her shoulder and she stumbled back. She quickly regained balance but not quick enough because I pushed her down and began striking her face repeatedly. I heard footsteps coming my way but I somehow didn't mind them, I continued clawing at her face. In one swift movement I cut her throat and she went limp under me. I turned to the people who had just entered the room. Suddenly my eyes glowed a blood red.


Here is the update finally. I want to say thank you to @Eleniarhon and @natalie2312 for giving me some suggestions as to how I could do this chapter. I had really bad writers block. I just couldn't think of anything to add to this story. Thanks so much to those two for helping me and please suggest if you have anything. Please. Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter and bye! - Kat ❤️

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