So was I

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Stiles POV

"Stiles? Stiles?" I heard someone call.

"In here!" I shout back. Scott soon walks into the kitchen.

"Stiles we need your help." He states.

"With what?"

"Peter." Was all he said and then took off towards my car.

"Peter? What- Uh- where is he?"

"We don't really know."

"Then where exactly are we going." As he opened his mouth to respond and faint howl silenced everything around us.

"There." He plainly states and jumps into my car. I stay outside for a few seconds looking at him confused. "Come on Stiles. We can't waste time!" I quickly sit in the chair next to him as he instructed me where to go. We ended up near the woods. Why is it always the woods?

"Why are we here again?" I question.

"He took Liam." Liam?

"Then we can just leave him right?" He stops walking and turns to me, giving me a 'really' look. "Okay, I guess not." I whisper more to myself than anything else.

"Have you seen Malia?" He asks. Come to think of it, I haven't see Malia. My eyes widen. Maybe he took her too. "C'mon. It's around here." We turn a couple times before coming into a small clearing near the lake. As I looked around a dark figure was laying on the ground near us. I slowly walk towards it and almost fall back at what I saw. It was Liam.

"Scott!" I call out to my best friend that was oblivious to the fact I found something. He quickly turned around and his face became more stern as he saw who was laying next to me. He drops at Liam's side and I check his pulse. "He's still alive." I say trying to make the situation better but obviously didn't. I then heard a ear shattering scream that could only belong to the girl I loved. "Malia!" I shouted speed walking towards the sound. "Malia!" I kept shouting following the other screams that followed the first.

"Stiles!" Scott shouted. I wanted to ignore him and go find her, but I couldn't. I ran back to him. "Take him to Deaton's." He said.


"Stiles, please. I'll find her. I won't stop until I do. I promise." After a few moments of silence I reluctantly nodded my head.

"Find her. Just find her." I said and walked over to the fallen beta and helped him up. I wrapped an arm around his waist for support and placed his own around my neck. I quickly but carefully walked back to my jeep and placed the young wolf in the back. I then jumped back into my car and started it. Please find her.

I drove fast but not over the limit. As I took the last right turn I saw the animal clinic in front of me. I parked quickly and pulled Liam out of the car the same way I got him in. I pushed open the door and moment later Deaton was standing in front of me.

"Oh dear. What happened?"He questioned motioning me to the back. I saw him swiftly shut the curtains and lock the door.

"I don't know." I sighed out. I gently put Liam on the metal examine table and moved from in front of him. Deaton examined the wounds all over his arms and chest.

"Wolfsbane." He stated and unlocked the one of the cupboards that surround the room.

"Is it bad?" I ask hoping it won't hurt Malia a lot.

"Well as you can see, it hurt so much he passed out, so it's not the regular wolfsbane." he stated still examining the wounds. "But, it isn't the worst type either." He finished. I sat down in one of the chairs putting my head in my hands.

"Something wrong Stiles?" He asked making something with a couple ingredients he got out.

"We think he has Malia."

"Is Scott out there now?"


"The you have to believe you best friend will bring back the girl you love." He said with a smile and exited the room. Believe, hope, two of the many things I had problems grasping. Then I heard a frantic knocking on the door. I got up and carefully walked towards the door. Deaton was already there and in walked a very worried Lydia. I gave her a confused look and she understood.

"Scott called me." She stated. She walked into the room where Liam was laying and I followed her. "Is he okay?" She asked motioning to Liam.


"Are you?" I looked at her like if she was crazy. "I know you love her a lot, Stiles. You must feel horrible."

"I feel worse." I stated taking my seat again.


After about a good two hours waiting I heard someone calling name.
"Stiles." I look up to see Malia standing at the doorway with Scott, Isaac, Grayson and Matthew. Without even knowing what I was doing I found myself in front of her.

"Are you okay?" I frantically questioned searching her face for any bad wounds. She was just smiling and shaking slightly. I pulled her into a hug.

"I am now." She breathed out. I pulled away from her and met my lips with hers. My hands traveled around her waist and I smiled in the kiss. She then pulled away and hugged me. By this time everyone left to give us space. "I was scared." She finally let out.

"So was I." I responded and kissed her forehead.


Hello. I feel like this was a very short chapter. Anyway I hope you guys like the chapter and thank you for 1k reads! - Kat ❤️

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