Rescued by an Argent

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Malia's POV

"Stiles! Stiles!" Everyone was calling out. Then it hit me. If he was taken by the desert wolf then I knew exactly where he was. But we were fairly far away.

"Scott." I whispered coming closer to him. "I think I know who took him. And where."

"What? Then what are we doing here!?" He exclaimed.

"It's at the edge of town." I tell him.

He looks at me as though he was thinking until he finally spoke. "If we go that way, it'll lead us to the outskirts of town." He explains. "C'mon everyone, this way.

After walking for what felt like an hour we reached a small lake. As I tried to step over it, I tripped and hit my head on a rock. I felt the water soaking my clothes and my mind go somewhere else. I stared see black and soon I was out. The last thing I remember was someone calling my name. Someone who sounded like Stiles.

Stiles POV

I felt the book triple down the newly formed scratches on my stomach. I rested my head against the wall and grafted heavily. They will find me. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be with Malia. I continued to say in my head to have at least a sliver of hope. I jumped when I heard a door open and close. I closed my eyes tight to not see the torture she had today. I had already been here almost two days and I was starving.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you."

"Why not."

"Because I need bait. And now that Malia is an Alpha she won't really care about that other alpha."

I laughs. "Even if Malia is an alpha, she will always care about her friends."

"But she cares more about you." She responds. I finally open my eyes and couldn't believe what I saw. Chris Argent. Thank god for Chris Argent. As she opened her mouth to respond Argent shot a wolfsbane laced bullet. She howled out in pain and quickly turned to see Argent. He shot another another and another until she couldn't walk. As she dropped onto the floor Chris came and unlocked the restraints on my hands. I rubbed my wrists as they stinged from the tight rope.

"Get out of here Stiles." He said and I obviously obeyed. I ran to the top of the stairs and opened the door. I turned around to see Argent walking towards me. "This will keep her out until I can take her." He states and ushers me out the door. I walk behind him up another flight of stairs and threw a cellar door.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Scott told me you were missing. I remember this cellar I found a couple years ago and thought it was a perfect place."


"It's at the end of town. Almost impossible to find." He responded. I stayed quiet the rest of the time it took us to walk to his car. I opened the door and collapsed onto his chair. "Here." He handed me a chocolate bar and bottle of water.

"Thank you." I said slowly taking the food. I ate the chocolate bar slowly and took big gulps of water. She I finished the candy I saw we were at the Animal clinic. I stepped out of his car and began walking to the clinic as he did. He opened the door and I saw Lydia pacing while Kira, Dawn and Liam were sitting in the chairs. As soon as they heard the door open their eyes shot to me. Lydia looked extremely relived and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" She questions.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Where's Malia?"

She nods toward the examination room. I smile at her and as I walk towards the door I was attacked in a hug. I look to my right to see Kira.

"I'm sorry." She says as she pulls away. " I just thought I would never see you again." She states. I smile at her and hug her quickly. She then let me go and pushed me towards the door. When I walked in I saw Matthew leaning over a table and Grayson almost sitting on it. Isaac was up against the wall and Scott was sitting down deep in thought. Next to him I saw her. She quickly looks up at me and when she noticed who it is she smiles with small tears in her eyes. I feel my heart skip a beat when she smiled. She was wrapped in a blanket but quickly let it fall to the ground as she rushed over to me. She wraps her arm around my neck and I put mine tightly around her waist.

"I love you." She says into my shoulder.

"I love you too." I let go of her and peck her on the lips. I then see Scott and he bro-hugs me. I do the same to the rest. They then left giving me the space I needed with Malia. As soon as the door closed she kissed me as though it was the last time she would ever see me. But I didn't hold back. I kissed her too. Probably more passionately if that's even possible. We stayed there for a while, in each other's embrace. She finally pulled away and laid her forehead on mine.

"I love you so much." She breathed.

I kissed her my for my response and she understood. She began kissing me back. Geez, this girl will be the death of me.


Hiyah dewds! Well I hope you guys like this chapter. I really like it tbh. Well n-ways bye everyjuan? - Kat ❤️

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