"It'll never be over"

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Malias POV

"Are you guys sure it was the desert wolf?" Stiles asks.

"Pretty positive. We all had the same dream." Matthew says.

"Any clues in the dream as to where he is?" Stiles questions.

"No. It was a dark room. That's all I saw." Kira states.

"It had kind of a green light." Lydia adds. I nod.

"Somehow I know it's underground." I say. Everyone nods.

"Maybe a basement?" Dawn suggests.

"What about a cellar?" Grayson says.

"Wait. It's underground. It has to be somewhere really protected." Stiles speaks up.

"Like what?" Scott questions.

"There's a tunnel under the sheriff's station. It leads to a bunker under Eichen house." Stiles responds.

"A bunker? For what?" Matthew asks.

"When I was there, in Eichen house, I heard some people talk about a room under the nut house. They said it was for the nurses and doctors and caretakers. If the patients ever found a way out, and decided to go all murderous, the nurses and doctors and caretakers could go down there and be safe." Stiles explains.

"Eichen house seems like a pretty secure place. Why would they ever think the patients would ever be able to escape?" Grayson asks.

"Because it's happened before." I state. "A long time ago a woman managed to get out with only her voice. She was a banshee." I stop and look over at Lydia. She stiffens uncomfortably. "She broke the glass of her cell. Her scream was so strong it killed everyone that was on the same floor."

"So you think the desert wolf is hiding in that bunker?" Matthew asks.

"We can never be sure on anything, but we have no time to sit and plan something different. Liam is out there. Probably hurt." Scott states.

"He's right." Dawn speaks up. Everyone turns to look at her. "We have to save Liam."


Stiles POV

"This is is really creepy. Like beyond creepy. Like haunted house creepy. But worse." Matthew says.

"That's Eichen house for you." I mumble.

"Are we getting closer?" Dawn questions.

"Yeah. Pretty close." Malia states. "I can smell Liam near."

"Tell me again why we had to split up?" I ask.

"So we can find Liam quicker." She responds without even turning around.

Out of nowhere, Malia outstretches her hand and pins us all to the wall. She looks into the hallway and snaps her head back.

"What's wrong?" Matthew whispers.

"The desert wolf'." Malia mouths. She removes her arm from our chests and shoos us away. "Go." She whispers. I give her a pleading look but she repeats her word. "Go!"

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