The same.

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Stiles POV

When Malia and I got to the woods behind the shack, Scott was nowhere to be found.

"Scott? Sco-" I was cut off when I saw the piles of bodies on the floor. They all looked like the one Lydia found two days ago. They all had scratches up and down their bodies. I looked up at Malia to see the same expression of fear upon her face.

"Scott?!" Malia shouts. As soon as she said that we heard a 'thump' from behind us. I turn.

"Scott?" I whisper seeing my best friend with blood all over his face knocked out cold or dead.

"He's still breathing." Malia reassured me, obviously seeing the worried expression that was plastered on my face. I gave her a small smile of thanks. A really small smile.

"Wonder what happened." A voice said.  For the second time tonight we turned around. And there she was. The woman who haunts my nightmares. The monster that wants to kill Malia. To the right of her there was a hideous thing. It was pale like it was dead, huge claws and the scariest part: there were no iris' or pupils in his eyes. Just plain white.

"What did you do?" Malia spoke up.

"Guess I'll just have to show you." The desert wolf replies. The creature next to her went all fours and within milliseconds he was behind me, claw at my neck. Malia gasped at the scene and tried to lunge at her mother but was quickly shoved back.

"Let him go!" Malia shouts when she is back on her feet.

The desert wolf just laughs. Gosh how much I want to rip that women's throat out. The creature got his claw ready to slice my neck. I closed my eyes and imagined all the good things I had with my dad, and Scott, and the pack, and especially Malia.

"No!" Malia shouts and as I open my eyes I see her try to jump towards me. The desert wolf catches her foot and the creature behind me moves his claw slowly.

Malias POV

I kick my mother off my feet and lunge toward Stiles and the unholy creation. My mind was racing. There was only one thing that stood out in my racked brain. I gave my instincts a chance and do the thing I never thought I would ever do. I bit him. Not the creature. Stiles. Exactly when my fangs sank into his lower arm the creature slits Stiles' throat. As I get up to see Stiles' limp body on the ground I can feel the tears in my eyes.

"NO!" I yell and move towards him. I turn around to kill my mother but notice she vanished with her little monster toy. "Stiles. Stiles, please. Your okay. Stiles. STILES!" I shout as the sobbing clogged any coherent words from exiting my mouth. In the middle of the quiet woods surrounding me I heard a sound. A sound of life. A heartbeat. I snap my neck in the direction of Stiles' face. Seconds later he quickly breathes in. "Stiles?" He sits up and begins to breath in and out. "Stiles." I whisper and pull him into a bone crushing hug.

"Malia, what happened?" He asks when he pulls away.

"I-I bit you." I blurted out.

"You what?" He asks in shock.

"I bit you, Stiles." I repeated.

"So I'm a werewolf?"

I quickly meet his lips with mine. He gladly kisses me back. I pull away and look into his eyes. They are still the same chocolate color I love. He sees the confused look on my face.

"What's wrong?"

"Your eyes aren't yellow." I say.

"What do you mean."

"When your cut off guard your werewolf eye color can show."  I answer.

"Maybe I wasn't cut off guard. Maybe I was expecting it." He jokes.

"It's no time to be funny Stiles! You could be a werewolf and we wouldn't know!" I shout. He gets up and turns. "Stiles, I'm sorry. I'm just scared."

"Well, were lucky it's a full moon tonight." He states.

"It is?" I question.

"Yeah. Let's- uh get to Scotts." I nod and walk to where Scott was laying.
Stiles followed me and picked Scott up and threw him over his shoulder. We walked in silence to his jeep and drove to Scott's house. When we got there we helped ourselves in.

"Scott?!" Melissa calls.

"Stiles." Stiles answered.

"And Malia." I added. "With Scott." Melissa runs down the stairs and almost faints when she sees Scott.

"What happened?" She asks.

"It's a long story. We just came to see if the pack was here." I respond.

"No ones passed by all day." She says.

"We're taking him to Deatons." Stiles states.

Melissa nods and walks back up stairs. We drive to Deatons and explain everything.

"We are going to talk to Derek." We tell Him.

"You do that, I'll take care of him." Deaton answers with a smile.

We then drive to Derek's loft. When we open the door many faces greet us. The there omegas, Isaac, and Derek are all inside.

"Derek we need you." Stiles states waking towards where Derek was sitting.

"What for?" He asks.

"This." Stiles shows his arm with the bite on it. Derek looks at the bite, then Stiles, and lastly his gaze sets on me.

"You did this?" He questions. I slowly nod my head. "Why does it matter. Beta bites can heal." He pushes Stiles away and continues reading his book.

"The thing is, it isn't a beta bite." I shakily say. Derek slowly looks up at me and I flash my red eyes. Derek looks shocked. He looks at the window behind him and back to us.

"The moon is already out." He states. "If you are a werewolf you would've already turned."

"Maybe it'll take him longer?" I say but it came out more as a question.

"Maybe." He responds. We all stay with Stiles through the night waiting for him to turn. But he doesn't.

"Derek, he's supposed to turn." I tell my cousin.

"Or not."

"What are you talking about? I bit him." I retort.

"You remember Jackson?" Derek asks Isaac. Isaac quickly nods. "He didn't become a werewolf because of his personality. Maybe Stiles didn't become one because he's just better as a human." Derek answers like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"So I'm human?" Stiles asks.

"Your the same as before Malia bit you." Derek responds.

Stiles wasn't a werewolf. He was Stiles. And at that moment I couldn't be more happy.


Hey dewds! I want to thank @abarapter for the suggestions of the new monster. You'll learn more about it next chapter. Also a huge thank you to @fictionalfandoms for helping me out with this chapter. Thank you so much! I hope you guys like this chapter. ❣❤️- Kat

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