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Malia's POV

"Hello, sleepy head." A voice said as I began waking up.

"Hi." I responded rubbing my eyes.

"Get into your fanciest clothes." He then said.

"Why?" I curiously asked.

"Just do it." He said a little irritated.

"Okay, okay." I stood and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put on a white crop top, black jeans,white converse and a beanie. I slowly walked out of the bathroom.

"That's your fanciest clothes?"

"That's yours?" I retorted. He had dark blue jeans, a grey top, and a black leather jacket. "You look like Derek."
He sarcastically laughed. By now it was around five-thirty. No I didn't just wake up. I took a nap earlier in the day.

"C'mon." He said grabbing my hand. He pulled me towards the jeep. I got in and sighed. Once he jumped right into the drivers seat I spoke.

"Stiles if you blindfold me I'll kick you."

"I won't." He answered lifting his hands in defeat. I put my head on the window and sang along to the song on the radio.

"Stile, where are we going?" I ask as I see him nearing the edge of town.

"It's a surprise." He stated plainly. I sighed once again. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

As we came closer to the beacon hills 'goodbye' sign he took a right. In the distance I saw a bunch of shiny lights, but thought nothing of it. When we got closer to the lights I could see it was a park the lights surrounded. In the middle of the park a small pathway was decorated with small fairy lights and rose petals. I looked at him but he didn't meet my stare. He quickly got out of the car and when I tried to open my door he pushed it closed and opened it for me. I laughed at his antics.

"Thank you." I said. When he closed the car door he grabbed my hand and led me down the lighted pathway. It was a little dark out now, so it made the lights look even more beautiful. As we followed the narrow path it began to be surrounded by bushes of multicolored flowers. I looked forward to see a big opening at the end of the path. When we got there I was shocked at how beautiful it was. It was a circular room surrounded by the same touring bushes and a couple shorter ones. In the middle was a small circle of grass. On top of the grass was a blue plaid blanket with a small basket. I looked at him and couldn't brush off the cheeky grin I had on.

"You like it?" He asks.

"It's beautiful, Stiles." I sincerely answered while hooking my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. He broke the kiss and led me to the small picnic in the middle of the goddess' garden. He took out a bottle of sparkling cider and poured them into two small cups. I laughed at how movie-like this was. But I really didn't care. "Mr. Stilinski do you mind passing me a strawberry?" I asked as he took out all the packaged goods out of the basket.

"Of course Ms.Tate." He slid the chocolate cover strawberries my way and I ate one by one. "Woah, Malia. I might want some." I pouted and gave him some. He ate a couple as I picked something else to eat. I grabbed some grapes and began eating them as I did the strawberries.

"Here." I said throwing the grape at Stiles. I caught him off guard but he still managed to catch it in his mouth.

"Hit me." He stated and I threw him one after another, laughing at how he grabbed them.

"Oh!" I yelled as he fell on the ground but still caught the grape. I laughed at he sat back up with the grape in between his teeth. We talked for what seemed like hours about anything we could think of.

"Red. I would never want to have red hair." He said.

"Like Lydia?" I laughed.

"No, red. Like an apple red." He responded.

"Oh." I laughed and he connected my lips with his.

"I love you, you know."

"I know."

"Good. Always remember that." He responded.

"I will." I whispered.


Awwwww! This chapter is so cute! Well I really hope you guys like this chapter and I'm sorry it's kind of short. After about a specific amount of words my mind goes blank. Thanks for voting and liking my story! - Kat ❤️

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