Chapter 15: Chemical Reactions

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Ella and I sat there drinking our coffee when my father walked in the door. I instantly looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"It's okay, Rikki. He'll be happy that he's gonna be a dad." said Ella.

"No, it's not that. My dad just walked in." I replied.

"Oh my god. We need to get out of here."

I nodded and we were going to get up, but he walked over to us.

"Hey, Rikki. Can I talk to you?" He said.

"What do you want? And didn't you get arrested?" I replied in a bitchy tone.

"I want my daughter back and yes but I got released early for good behavior. I'm technically not supposed to be out for another month and I'm on parole."

"Good behavior my ass."

"Look, I know I wasn't the greatest father to you, but I'd like to at least try to start being one. I'm trying to stop drinking and I'd like to be a good father to you and Ivan and someday a good grandfather."

"Try all you want it's not going to work. Unless you actually find a way to prove to me that you're capable of being a good father, I don't want you near me or my unborn child again."

"You're pregnant? That's great!" he brought one of his hands closer to my stomach, trying to touch it, but I backed away.

"Like I said, unless you can find a way to prove to me you can be a good father, I don't want you anywhere near my or my child. And I doubt that's going to happen any time soon."


He took a step back and Ella and I walked out the door.

"I can't believe he actually had the courage to come up to me and ask to be a father to Ivan and I. Let alone a grandfather to my kid! God, he pisses me off so much!" I said, angrily.

"Yea...but then again, you never know, he could be trying to change." replied Ella.

"I guess you're right, but still. Unless he can prove to me that he actually wants to and is trying to change than he's not going to be a father to Ivan and I or a grandfather to my kid. I mean, he killed my mother. One of the only people that could have been able to help me with this child. Now she's gone, thanks to him."

We drove in mostly silence for the ride until 'I Won't Give In' by Asking Alexandria came on the radio. The two of us were jamming out while she drove me back to my apartment. The song ended right when we parked the car.

"Thanks for taking me to my appointment. And I'm sorry I snapped back at the coffee shop. He just really pisses me off and I can't stand him." I said.

"No problem and I totally get where you're coming from. If I were in your shoes, I'd hate him too." she replied and I smiled.

"Thanks for understanding."

"That's what friends are for, right?"

We got out of the car and hugged. We broke the hug and she took off. I went inside and upstairs to the apartment. 

"Andy, I'm home!!" I shouted unlocking the door and coming in.

"Hey babe. How was hanging with Ella?" he asked as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Good. We had fun. By the way I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"You should probably sit down."

He sat on the couch and I sat next to him, facing his direction. I could feel my heart start pounding out of nervousness.

"Andy...there's something I need to tell you." I looked down at the floor.

Andy took my hands, brought my head up, and said: "You can tell me anything. You know that. Just relax, and say it."

I took a deep breath to try and relax.

"I'm pregnant." I said, looking him in the eyes.

"" Andy put his hands over his mouth.

"Andy? Are you okay?"

I could tell he was just in shock. I saw him start to tear up and he hugged me.

"This is amazing! I'll be the best father I can to that child! I will love him or her with all my heart. We can turn the guest room into a nursery, you can throw a baby shower, it'll be amazing." He said.

I smile and hug him back. 

"Slow down there. I'm not even a month pregnant yet. I'm glad you're excited, but calm down." I said.

"I know I know. I'm just so happy that we're going to have a baby. I know that we're young and all, but we'll be great parents. I just know it." he said and I smiled. 


"Hey baby, what do you want for dinner? Anything specific?" I shouted to Andy from the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood for anything in particular. How about we just go out tonight. We can meet the guys and their girlfriends somewhere. I mean you just got pregnant, that's cause for celebration." he replied.

"Okay. Where should we go?"

"You're choice, babe."

He came into the kitchen and hugged me from behind and I turned and kissed him.  After a minute,  I broke the kiss and pulled out my phone. I created a group conversation with Jake, Ella, Ashley, CC, Liz Pelz (CC's girlfriend), Jinxx, and Alice Mogg (Jinxx's girlfriend). We all talked in the group conversation for a while and we agreed on a place and a time to eat. A few hours later, Andy and I had just finished up getting ready. We got in the car and drove to the restaurant. We sat down at the table we had reserved. After about 10 minutes, everyone was there.

We all ordered drinks and our food as we sat there talking for a few minutes. After a bit of eating Ashley asked:

"So is there a reason you called all of us here?"

"Well, actually I have an announcement to make." I replied.

Their attention was turned to me. Ella looked at me with excitement in her eyes because she knew exactly what it was. Andy rubbed my back and kissed my cheek. I looked up, took a deep breath and said:

"I'm pregnant."

Everyone got excited. Ella, Liz, and Alice started clapping. They all smiled and said things like "Congrats!" and "I'm so happy for you guys!" and "You two will make GREAT parents!"


After dinner we all went out to our cars. We gave hugs before we got in the car. Ella and Jake were the last 2 to leave the restaurant. 

"Congrats on the pregnancy!" Ella said as she walked away from us.

"Yea! Remember, if you guys EVER need anything, we're just a call away." said Jake.

"Thank you guys!"

They nodded and got in their car as we got in ours. We drove back home to our apartment. I walked in and plopped on the couch and Andy sat next to me.

"Well, at least they're all happy about it. None of them are against it saying things like you're too young." said Andy.

"Yea, at least." I replied.

"Alright, I'm exhausted. I think I'm gonna get headed to bed. You coming or are you gonna stay up for a while?" I said.

"I'll be in there in a few minutes." he replied.

I went into the bedroom and got into my PJ's which were just a tank-top and a pair of plaid sweatpants. I hopped into bed and laid down. Andy came in a few moments later changing into his sweats and taking off his shirt. He laid down next to me and I fell asleep in his arms with him falling asleep a minute later. I'm so happy I have the privilege of having Andy's baby.

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