Chapter 6: A New Life

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Rikki's POV

We arrived at the new house and walked in to take a look before we unpacked everything.

"WOAH!! This place is huge!" said Ivan.

"It's not that big! It just looks big. We had a house like this when you were younger, Ivan." I replied.

"Oh yea, I think I remember that house now that I think about it. I totally forgot about that place."

I walked upstairs and there was a master bedroom, and three other bedrooms. I looked in each of them and called which one would be mine. I closed the door to that bedroom and ran downstairs.

"I call the bedroom that's door is closed! It's the one down the hallway and two doors to the right." I said.

"Okay sounds good. Boys, go choose your rooms. The master is for your dad and I." said Andy's mom.

"Okay!!" they both yelled running up the steps shoving each other every which way.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Okay well I am going to go out to the truck and start getting my stuff unpacked and put into my room." I said.

"Alright, oh and I was thinking since you and Ivan only came here with a few things, maybe you and I could go shopping and then Andy, Chris, and Ivan could go shopping. Sound okay?" said Amy.

"Yea sounds awesome! But when?"

"I was thinking maybe tomorrow?"

"Okay great! Thank you so much!" I said hugging her.

"No problem." she replied hugging me back.

I broke the hug and ran out to the truck to get my stuff unpacked. I grabbed what little I had and ran it back up to my new bedroom. I went back downstairs and walked outside to where Andy and Chris were carrying a big mattress.

"Hey, Rikki, this mattress will be yours. We're about to take it up to your room." said Chris.

"Great! Thank you guys! Need some help lifting it? It looks kinda heavy." I said.

"No we got it." replied Andy.

"They're 'manly' so they can  carry a big heavy mattress all the way upstairs on their own." smirked Amy putting air quotes around 'manly'.

I laughed and went to open the door for them. After they were in the house all the way with the mattress, I ran back over to the truck to help unload some other stuff.

"Here you wanna take your bed upstairs to your room where the guys are so they have something to put the mattress on?" Amy asked.

"Yea, how much is there?" I replied.

"Not too much. You should be able to carry it  in with one or two trips."

"Okay great! I'll take it in."

I carried in the majority of the bed and I came back to get the last little bit of it. Once it was all upstairs, Andy, Chris and I put it together.

"Okay so this piece goes here and this one connects to this one." said Andy holding different pieces.

After we finished, I helped Andy put the mattress onto the bed while Chris went back downstairs to help unload more. Once we got the mattress put on, he layed on the bed.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Exhausted!" he replied.

I sat down and he sat up, putting his hands on my waist. He kissed my cheek and I turned to him. I kissed his lips and he kissed back. I broke the kiss and stood up.

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