Chapter 7: Messaging

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*A Month Later*

Andy's POV

Its been a month since Ivan and Rikki moved in with us. So far her dad hasn't even tried to contact her and he hasn't come down to the house, at least not while we've been home.

"Hey Andy." said Rikki as she knocked on my door and walked in.

"Hey babe." I said getting up and kissing her cheek.

I sat back down on my bed and pulled her onto my lap. She looked upset as if something has been bothering her.

"What's the matter, Rik?" I asked her trying to look into her eyes but she kept pulling her head away.

"I just...." she sighed. "Its nothing never mind."

"No no tell me. What's the matter?"

She turned and sobbed into my shoulder.

"Shhh it'll be okay. Just talk to me." I said trying to calm her down.

"I-I have this bad f-feeling that my d-dad is going to t-try and come back to b-beat me." she said between sobs.

"He won't. I promise. And if he does I will call the cops and he will get arrested."

"He said if me or Ivan went to the cops or even told anyone that he would kill us!"

"He will never get to you. I promise you that. He'll have to go through me first if he ever wants to get to you. I don't care how tough or how strong he is, he'll have to kill me before he can ever lay a finger on a hair on your head. Plus my parents will protect you too."

"Thank you so much, Andy."

She hugged me and I petted the back of her head to calm her down. Her phone went off and she broke the hug and got it out. She gasped as she looked at her phone.

"What is it, Rik?" I asked.

"M-My dad." she replied.

"What?! What did he say?!"

"The message says: 'I will find you. You can run all you want, but I will always find you. I am your father.' Andy I am so scared. How did he get my phone number? I got a new phone since I ran away! And what if he really does find me here and beats me? I don't know what to do!"

"Well for one thing we have to go tell my parents. They can decide what to do about the message and maybe they can contact the police and get them to track the number or something."

"Its his cell phone I can tell. He had to have sent it from my house. He wouldn't go anywhere if he really wanted me back."

"Okay well I still think we should tell my parents. Like I said they can think of something to do."


She got up and I followed her downstairs to the living room where my parents were. My dad was in the LazyBoy and my mom was on the couch. Rik sat next to her on the couch and I sat in the other chair.

"What's up, sweetie?" asked my mom.

"Rik do you want to tell them or should I?" I asked her.

"Y-You do it." she said still crying.

"Her dad texted her."

"What?!" said my dad.

"What did he say?" asked my mom.

"The message said 'I will find you. You can run all you want, but I will always find you. I am your father.' I just got it on my phone."

"Okay well what are we going to do? Are we going to go to the police?" asked my mom.

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